  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳家祥


本研究主要是藉由個案分析及專家訪談的方式,從「企業價值活動」、「影響因素」與「競爭力」這三個構面,探討個案廠商在e化程度上的差異對其競爭力及效益的影響。從訪談的綜合分析,發現: 1.文件e化是企業推行知識管理的基石,有效的專案管理可提昇客製化產 品的開發績效。 2.品質系統是生產價值活動中最重要的一環,而品質資訊的回饋,是企業 持續改善的關鍵因素。 2.企業利用MRP系統及配合良好的供應商夥伴關係,可準確預估生產時 程,提高達交率,創造客戶滿意,提升競爭力。 4.企業跨入國際化後,整合異地系統之資料庫,輔於全球供應鏈的運用, 可提高存貨週轉率,降低存貨成本,提升競爭力。 5.業透過內容管理及快速反應機制,配合全球行銷網路,可加速客戶服 務,提升顧客滿意度,增加競爭力。 由於LCM 的生產技術愈趨成熟,廠商競爭致勝的關鍵在於客製化程度、生產效率、規模、產品良率、交期準確度與管理成本。在企業面臨全球化和產業分工整合階段,企業如何善加應用網際網路與資訊科技的發展,建構全球運籌的管理體系,充分掌握及創造企業價值,以對企業資源做最有效的分配,來創造企業最大的價值,其關鍵有二: 1.e化的持續推動可提升企業的經營效率及競爭力。 2.網際網路的興起,反應速度將決定企業的競爭優勢。 增加競爭力是企業達成營運目標的主要條件,而降低成本、增加銷售、全球化等都是提昇競爭力的具體方法,其中尤以全球化是企業提高競爭力的最佳方法。企業在現今網際網路發達的社會中,不e化,似乎找不出另一條更順暢的道路。


This work was mainly based on numerous case studies and interviews with experts to study the different implementations of e-Business and their effectiveness on the competitiveness and efficiencies of individual enterprises and it was carried out from the angles of i) “value manufacturing activities”, ii) influences, and iii) competitiveness. From this comprehensive study, here are the major findings: “Computerized” document controls are the foundation for implementing IT management inside an enterprise and an effective project management can enhance the development efficiencies for customized products. Quality system plays the most important role in all the “value manufacturing activities” and the feedbacks of this system are the key factor to ensure a continuous improvement inside an enterprise. Enterprises use MRP systems and partnership strategies with suppliers to accurately estimate process time, to reduce lead-time, to “ensure” customer satisfactions, and to raise competitiveness. After an enterprise turning into a cross-national company, the integration of the multi-national databases and the utilization of the global supply chains can help to increase inventory turnovers, to reduce inventory costs, and to increase competitiveness. With content management, quick responsiveness, and global sales channels, enterprises can speed up customer services, increase customer satisfactions, and raise competitiveness. As the LCM manufacturing technologies are continuing to become more and more mature, the critical winning factors for the competing companies lie on the level of product customization, productivities, economies of scale, product yields, accurate lead-time estimations and “overhead cost control”. As enterprises face the ever-increasing globalization, “industrial specialization, and integration”, they also face the questions on how to utilize the Internet and IT technologies, how to build a management structure for a global operation and how to fully utilize and create company values? From the study, here are the two key parameters in order for the enterprises to efficiently allocate their resources and optimize company values A continuous “e-Business development” will increase the operating efficiencies and competitiveness of a company. With the rise of Internet, responsiveness will determine the competitive advantage of a company. Increasing competitiveness is the major condition to achieve business goals. Then, reducing costs, increasing revenues, and globalization are the practical methods to raise competitiveness and especially, globalization is the best approach. With the well developed Internet infrastructures in today’s society, e-Business is the best if not the only way for enterprises to move forward.


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13. 張素碧,「ERP系統在電子業導入成功關鍵因素之研究,個案導入探
