  • 學位論文


Supply Chain Management in an Air Conditioning Business- a case study for Trane Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃惠民


近年來資訊科技快速的蓬勃發展,藉科技技術使企業間資訊傳遞頻繁,資訊易於取得,再加上與國際大廠合作密切,成為國際大廠供應鏈的一成員,使國內業者更加了解企業間合作的重要性。台灣加入世界關貿組織(WTO)後,台灣企業將面臨全球化的競爭;中小企業必需善用供應鏈的知識,以庫存管理為基礎,聯盟供應鏈成員彼此資源互補,強化供應鍊核心競爭力,提升供應鏈各環節的效率,必能降低產品成本,增加供應鏈的彈性,滿足現今客戶多樣化的需求,才能確保企業能根留台灣永續生存。 本論文案例介紹台灣空調產業,詮恩科技供應鏈管理的應用研究,詮恩科技雖為中小企業,但背後有著強大的母公司(Trane)支持,配合全球腳步,推行DFT(流線型生產技術)。由後端的供應管理及製造管理,到前端客戶管理的電子市集及客戶關係管理,逐漸發展成型,從績效評估中,了解推行供應鏈帶來的成效,供空調及其他產業的中小企業參考。


Information technology has been widely applied to many industries in recent years. With this technology, business units can share their information with each other at a much easier and faster rate. Most Taiwanese companies learn the importance of business cooperation when they become a part in the international business chain. The importance of Supply Chain Management has been highlighted especially when Taiwan became a member of WTO. To be able to survive in a global competitive environment and meet customer’s expectation, local small and medium size companies must include this technology to enhance strategy alliances, match their core competencies, share resources, improve chain efficiency, increase flexibility, and achieve total cost reduction. This case study discusses the usage of Supply Chain Management in an air conditioning business – Trane Taiwan. Trane Taiwan is a medium size enterprise supported by her mother company Trane in USA. Trane Taiwan uses Demand Flow Technology to manage their back-office activities including supplier management, manufacturing management and front-office activities like E-business and Customer Relationship Management. The benefits of implementing Supply Chain Management in Trane Taiwan are discussed, and this could be a good reference to other small and medium size enterprises who want to implement Supply Chain Management..


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