  • 學位論文


Key Factors for Introduction of Supply Chain Data Exchange Platform in Motor Industry -- Discussed from Viewpoint of Supplier

指導教授 : 蘇玲慧


汽車產業素有工業火車頭之稱,當前世界經濟強國,其汽車產業在國際上必佔有重要的一席之地,汽車產業的供應商體系涵蓋範圍廣泛,且供應商與汽車製造商的中衛體系,較其他產業如消費性電子產業更加明顯,資訊交換系統更顯其重要性,若訊息溝通傳遞不良,長鞭效應擴大將造成重大損失,因此有必要針對汽車產業供應鏈資訊交換平台導入關鍵因素進行分析,建立關鍵因素架構,協助企業評估建立一套優質雙向溝通與協調的平台,整合供應鏈體系提升整體競爭力。 本研究結合質性分析之專家訪談、量化分析之德爾菲法(Delphi Method)及層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),進而建立關鍵因素之架構,研究之過程首先藉由文獻探討及專家訪談,確定評估構面及準則,再以德爾菲法反覆確認各專家對於評估準則至觀點達一致性,再以層級分析法確定各準則的權重與順序,建立關鍵因素架構。 研究結果結構區分四大構面,分別為:經營策略、系統資源、外部因素、內部因素,再細分為十一項評估準則:策略運作方向明確、經營者承諾及執行力強、供應商投入成本效益佳、軟體技術開發能力、資訊時效及正確性、網路發展程度及安全防護能力、良好團隊協調合作能力、精實管理之能力強、內部人員專業程度、客戶需求對應能力、外在環境變化適應能力,研究結果發現經營策略面流程中「策略運作方向明確」權重為首要關鍵,可以察覺資訊交換平台建構時,除了要符合企業本身(汽車製造廠)的利益之外,供應商經營策略亦是影響重要因子,整體策略運作方向亦需同步考量,讓整個供應鏈體系因資訊平台導入發揮最大效益,提升整體供應鏈體系效率,增加產業競爭力。


績效 資訊交換 供應鏈 關鍵因素 供應商


The motor industry is also called the locomotive of industry. As for the worldwide countries with strong economy at present, their motor industry had occupied an important role in the world. The supplier system of motor industry covers a wide range, and the system of Central-Satellite Factory of supplier and motor manufacturer is more significant than other industries, such as the consumable electronic industry etc. Therefore, the data exchange system is more important. If the data communication is not transmitted well, the bullwhip effect will cause great losses. So it is necessary to analyze supply the chain data exchange platform to channel into the key factor to analyze the key factors for introduction of supply chain data exchange platform in motor industry, in order to set up a set of high-quality two-way communication and coordination platform, and integrate the supply chain system and raise the whole competitiveness. This study will combine the expert interview with qualitative analysis, and the Delphi Method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with quantitative analysis, and then set up the structure of key factors. The assessment aspects and criteria will be determined in the process of study through the literature survey and expert interview first. The consistence for the assessment criteria of experts will then be confirmed repeatedly by the Delphi Method. Finally, the weighting and sequence of the assessment criteria are determined through the Analytic Hierarchy Process, in order to set up the structure of key factors. The structure of study results is divided into four major aspects: Operation strategy, system resources, external factors, internal factors, which are subdivided into 11 assessment criteria: Clear direction of strategic operation, operator commitment and strong execution ability, cost-effective of the supplier, development ability of software technology, data effectiveness and correctness, network development degree of security capability, good team coordination and cooperation ability, strong precise management ability, professional degree of internal personnel, corresponding ability of customer demand, and adaptive capability for change of external environment. From the study results, it is found that the “clear direction of strategic operation” is the primary key factor. Except meeting the benefit of enterprise itself (motor manufacturer), the operation strategy of supplier is also an important factor for establishing the data exchange platform. The whole strategic operation direction should also be considered, so that the greatest benefit of introduced data platform will be disclosed for entire supply chain, in order to raise the efficiency of whole supply chain system and increase the competitiveness of industry.


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