  • 學位論文


The analysis of the critical success factors for Automotive components suppliers

指導教授 : 楊錦洲教授


全球已進入協同商務時代,加上全球化市場的競爭,使得產業界競爭壓力越來越大;現今,國內汽車零組件業由於市場規模較小,造就廠商具有多樣化、小量產及彈性製造之生產能力。隨著產業界分工合作,企業不僅需加強本身的核心能力,也需在供應鏈上尋求合作夥伴,雙向溝通與協調,整合價值鏈,提供企業具有競爭優勢的產品及技術,企業若想持續成長,必須針對關鍵成功因素加以管理進行規劃。 供應鏈體系廠商合作,不僅可降低研發模具成本外,也可使汽車業衛星廠的車型、零組件互補,汽車產業有更大的發展之機會,因而汽車零組件可以擴大產業規模,進而切入國際大廠成為重要之供應商。汽車供應商與客戶都是產業重要的合作夥伴,建立長期、相互依賴的合作關係,彼此為共同目標努力,形成供應鏈體系,增加營運效率。本研究以供應商的角度出發,以汽車製造業為研究對象,透過國內外文獻的探討以及與國內汽車製造業專家學者的討論之後,提出架構,接著利用德菲專家法問卷調查方式,取得共識後,再利用層級分析法獲得出重要度,找出供應商的核心關鍵成功因素。研究結果發現出在內部流程面中「優良的經營體質與文化」為最重要之權重,建立組織間共識與文化,組織之間相互依賴,創造整體的競爭力,維持競爭優勢。


The world has entered an era of commerce collaboration. Markets nowadays are coupled with cut-throat competition along with the increasing pressure happened in the industrial cycle. Now, due to the small scale of domestic automotive part market, vendors have a diversified, small amount production and a flexible manufacturing production capacity. With the partner’s teamwork, enterprises can not only enhance their own core capabilities but also seek companions in supply chain, bilateral communication and coordination combined with the integrated value chain all provide the enterprise a competitive advantage to the product and the technology. Enterprise would like the company to grow up constantly, should aim at the management of CSF and make it be planed. The collaboration of supply chain vendors could reduces the cost of R&D mold and makes automotive parts satellite plant complementary as well. This could provide the automotive industries with more opportunities to grow and expand their scale to international suppliers. Both automobile supplier and customer are significant partners, establish a long-term and interactive relationship, moreover, they fight for the goal, build up supplier system and increase operational efficiency. This research stands from the perspective of suppliers, and it is a study of automotive manufacturing Industry in Taiwan, through literature and experts experiences discussion; it has developed a model and has sent a questionnaire to specialists. The paper has also applied the Delphi method and interviews with experts. Afterwards, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was used to conduct the pair wise comparisons to come up with the weight value of each individual indicator. A list of core critical successful factors for automotive supplier is generalized. The research finds the most important factor is outstanding management and culture, the consensus-building and interdependence between organizations together create and maintain the overall competitiveness advantage.


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