  • 學位論文

汽車公司導入TPM之研究 以中華汽車公司為例

The study of TPM system implant to auto maker Using case study of the China Motor Cooperation

指導教授 : 陳光辰


摘 要 台灣汽車業自2003年銷售達最高峰年產五十一萬台以來,受到內外環境因素影響所及,2007年銷售僅剩三十二萬輛,各車廠為了求生存莫不卯足全勁在開源節流,所謂節流就是『減少損失』。在作業中存在有太多的損失,例如:生產不良、停機、故障...等。如何解決這些煩人的問題點呢?TPM提供我們一個解決的方案。 本研究以汽車業為研究標的,提出『汽車公司導入TPM之研究 _以中華汽車公司為例』之研究架構。藉由文獻的歸納與整理,以及蒐集部分業界推動TPM的做法,找出推動TPM的基礎工作;利用所建立的基礎工作內容,以個案研究的方式訪談個案主管,來驗證基礎工作與推動的關係。 藉由研究TPM獲獎標竿企業之推動歷程和推動方法,及產生之綜合效益。期望達到理論與實際相互驗證。經過本研究分析後結論出:具備『TPM的基礎工作』能力是有利於TPM的推動;且TPM是持續型改善活動,並非一蹴可及;並建議產業界以TPM為主軸來導引改善活動持續不斷進行;運用最高經營層的支持貫徹全員參與及教育訓練,是推動TPM的最關鍵成功因素。 關鍵字:汽車公司、TPM、基礎工作、關鍵成功因素、全面生產管理(TPM:Total Productive Maintenance)


Abstract The sale of automobile in Taiwan reached the peak---510,000 in 2003 and then it declined to 320,000 annually in 2007 because of international and domestic causes. Automobile manufacturers are trying their best to search w- ays for financial support and cost reduction. So-called cost reduction means reducing loss. There is much loss occurring in the process of manufacturing, e.g.: mal-production, machinery shut-down and malfunctions...etc. How can these losses be avoided? TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) might provide us with a good solution. The present study focuses on automobile manufacturing by a researchi- ng structure of "The study of TPM system implant to auto maker--- using c- ase study of the China Motor Cooperation." The basic tasks are unveiled by both literature review and analysis as well as studying the TPM introducing methods of example factories. Furthermore, the clarified basic tasks are ana- lyzed to correlate with the result of TPM promotion by interviewing those p- roject managers who use TPM. The correlation between theoretical and practical issues is testified thro- ugh studying the historical process, promoting methods and outcome of TPM promotion in TPM awarded and model manufacturers. After detailed analysi- s, the following points are concluded: The ability for basic tasks of TPM be- nefits promotion of TPM. TPM should be conducted continuously and not f- or a short time to achieve the aim. It is advised for manufacturers to put TPM in a key role for making improvement progress continuously.The support fr- om the highest managing cabinet and involvement of every employee with proper education are the most essential factors for the success of TPM prom- otion. Key Words: Motor cooperation, TPM, foundation work, key success factor, Total Productive Management (TPM)


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