  • 學位論文


A Study on the Impacts of the Tourism of the Pearl Delta Region on the Hong Kong and Macao Economies

指導教授 : 丘駿飛


泛珠三角區域經濟概念係於2003年廣東經濟發展國際諮詢會上,正式提出並迅速得到周邊地區的積極回應,一個互補性強且有合作優勢的區域經濟,從理論的探討到實際之施行。區域內計有福建、江西、湖南、廣東、廣西、海南、四川、貴州、雲南和香港、澳門等省區,區域經濟之建構,以提升區域之競爭力。 泛珠三角區域經濟具備的發展條件如下: 1、從亞太版圖來看這個區域在核心位置,有極重要的地緣及位居戰略要津。 2、泛珠三角區域各省區經濟發展之不平衡,為促進區域合作實現之內在動力,各省區利用其自然條件之優勢互補,進而互惠互利及多贏之層面。 3、這個區域的歷史包袱比較輕,比其他區域有沈重國企和計劃經濟制度施行之包袱為輕。 4、區域與港澳在經濟文化上的聯繫較密切,周邊省區之勞力輸出和投資機會,大部份均流向珠三角。 5、依靠低廉的成本以加工貿易的形式參與國際市場分工,是中國非常重要的發展道路,隨著成本的提高和經濟升級轉型之際,加工貿易範圍以大珠三角為主,向周邊擴散的趨勢已出現。 6、區域包括香港和澳門二個持別行政區,在對外交往和體制上擁有內地城市無法享受的特權,如香港有獨立的海關、對外的航權;澳門則是有全中國唯一可以合法經營賭場的地區。 在區域內各省區之具有優勢特點:廣東省中國第一經濟大省;具有龐大旅遊市場需求。福建省山水宜人、僑胞之省。廣西省聯結粵港澳與西部各省。海南省“天涯海角”若比鄰。湖南省為中國的東南腹地。四川省天府之國、千河之省。雲南省為彩雲之南、美景如斯。江西省為江南西道、物華天寶。貴州省為中國西南地區的交通樞紐。香港為東方之珠、動感之都。澳門為浪漫迷人、無限旖旎。為促進泛珠三角內各省區的合作,應從三方面著手:創造良好的投資發展環境。各省區進一步開放市場。各省區進一步整頓市場環境秩序。 小珠三角大珠三角 一、小珠三角面積為4.17平方公里,約占廣東全省的23%;戶籍人口2,300多萬人,約占廣東全省的31%;創造的生產總值超過1萬億元,約占廣東全省的80%,雖然小三角的GDP,廣東占的比重很大,但是只占全中國的9%左右。CEPA的簽署為區域合作創造了新的平臺,廣東及時把“小珠三角”推向“大珠三角”。 二、大珠三角包括粵港澳三地,GDP已達3,000多億美元,占全中國的20%以上。粵港澳的合作將出現三贏的格局: (一)廣東將發展成為世界重要的製造業基地之一。 (二)香港將發展成為世界重要的現代物流業和金融業為主的服務業中心之一。 (三)澳門將發展成為世界上最具有吸引力的博彩旅遊中心之一。 (四)大珠三角將成為中國及世界經濟富有特點最具活力的地區之一。 香港之旅遊業為四大經濟支柱之一,香港是內地遊客出境遊的第一目的地。從1998年至2003年這6年來,內地訪港遊客達到3,349萬人次,占同期中國公民出境遊人數的43.4%。華南地區亦是香港旅遊業最大之客源市場,約占內地旅客總數73%。泛珠三角區域合作「9+2」的9省區中,廣東已開放個人遊港澳,福建的福州(僅限市區)、廈門和泉州也已在2004年7月1日開放個人遊港澳,泛珠三角地區「個人行」政策的開放將進一步加快區域旅遊之發展。香港旅遊業一方面可以掌握內地龐大市場的發展機會,更可加強與華南地區旅遊業界的合作,爭取更多的客源。同時香港旅遊業可以通過一系列計劃與海外的旅遊同業進行交流,把泛珠三角區域包裝為一個極具旅遊特色的境外遊客旅遊的目的地,並創造更多的經濟商機。 澳門的特色就是博彩旅遊業。在旅遊服務、資訊服務、專業服務、空運物流服務、離岸金融服務等許多方面都可發揮其外聯內引的平臺作用,將發展成最具吸引力的博彩旅遊中心和區域性商貿服務平臺。  澳門要跳出博彩的孤島,“對泛珠三角,澳門充滿了期待。”澳門在期待什麼?旅遊博彩業、金融業、建築業和出口加工並為澳門經濟四大支柱,博彩旅遊位居首位,是財政收入的主要來源,約占財政收入的一半。但是,依靠單純的博彩業和相關的娛樂服務業並不能帶來澳門整體經濟素質的提高。對博彩業的依賴,反而造成澳門整體經濟素質的低下。 泛珠三角區域合作的確立,對促進澳門政治、經濟穩定發展具有重大意義在經濟全球化趨勢的推動下,隨著CEPA的啟動,各種區域合作,互惠互利、共同發展的模式不斷建構,反映出經濟發展將不能默守成規,一定要加強區域合作,優勢互補,才能延續城市持續發展。作為澳門博彩旅遊業的經營者,在“9+2”的泛珠三角區域合作將為澳門整體經濟的發展提供遼闊的腹地,充足的客源和廣泛投資、合作和發展的空間。 隨著中國人民富裕程度的提高、閒暇時間和可支配收入的增多,將推動中國國內旅遊需求以較高的速度成長。中國是世界上人口大國,有最大的國內旅遊客源市場。2002年,相當於13個中國人裡面就有8人進行了一次旅遊,依據國際經驗,當人均GDP達到800~1000美元時,旅遊消費將呈現大眾化、普遍化的態勢,成為生活要素之一。到2020年,中國將全面建構成小康社會,如按每人每年出遊兩次計算,屆時的中國國內旅遊人數可高達30億人次左右。 按國家旅遊局制定的旅遊業發展“十五”規劃基本思路,到2020年,中國海外旅遊人數將超過21,000萬人次,旅遊外匯收入580億美元以上。中國國內旅遊將達到29億人次以上,旅遊收入將達20,400億元人民幣以上。旅遊業總產出將達到2.5萬億元人民幣以上,相當於中國國內生產總值的比重將提高到8%左右。學者一致看好中國旅遊業的發展前景,中國將成為世界旅遊強國。


The concept of the Pearl River Delta regional economy was first floated at an international consultative conference on developing Guangdong economy. After its inception, the concept soon found resonance in provinces and regions neighboring the Pearl River Delta. The proposed Pearl River Delta regional economy is one of strong complementarity and advantages. The region covers Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Hong Kong and Macau provinces and special administrative regions. Developing such a regional economy is favorable the region’s competitiveness. The Pearl River Delta has the following advantages in developing into a regional economy. 1. The Pearl River Delta occupies an important strategic and geographic position since it sits at the center of Asia Pacific. 2. Integrating various economies within the region and fulfilling their complementary needs seems a natural development because of the region’s lop-sided economic development. 3. This region has less historical burden, compared with those regions and provinces laden with state-owned enterprises and planned economies. 4. The Pearl River Delta is economically and culturally closer to Hong Kong and Macau. The region attracts labor and investments from the two special administrative regions. 5. Cheap labor and export processing have played an important role in China’s economic development. At a time when costs are rising and the economy is undergoing a transformation, provinces neighboring the Pearl River Delta are also increasingly involved in export processing. 6. The Pearl River Delta regional economy covers the Hong Kong and Macau special administrative regions and therefore enjoys certain exclusive privileges that other cities and provinces don’t have. For instance, Hong Kong has its own Customs and airlines. Similarly, Macau is the only place under Chinese rule where gambling is legal. Each participating province and special administrative region in the Pearl River Delta regional economy enjoys its own advantages. Guangdong, for example, has the biggest economy and a strong travel market. Fujian is famous for its scenery and is home to many overseas Chinese. Guangxi links Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau to western provinces. Hainan sits at an island near China proper. Hunan is China’s hinterland. Sichuan is full of rivers and has a blessed natural environment. Yunnan also boasts its natural beauty. Jiangxi hoards treasures and resources. Guizhou is a hub in China’s southwestern area. Hong Kong is a pearl of the East and a city full of excitement. The cooperation of all these provinces and special administrative regions requires a friendly investment environment, mutual market access, and better market order. The Big and Small Pearl River Deltas 1. The Small Pearl River Delta covers 4.17 square km and accounts for 23% of Guangdong’s territory. It has a 23 million population, which is 31% of the total population of Guangdong. The Small Pearl River Delta has an output of over 1000 billion RMB, which is 80% of Guangdong’s output. The Small Pearl River Delta accounts for 9% of China’s GDP. With the creation of the CEPA, the Small Pearl River Delta would be able to integrate into a bigger regional economy. 2. The Big Pearl River Delta includes Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau and has a GDP of over US$300 billion, accounting for over 20% of China’s GDP. The cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau is a win-win situation for all of the three economies. (1) Guangdong will be developed into one of the world’s most important manufacture bases. (2) Hong Kong will be developed into one of the world’s key logistics and finance-oriented service centers. (3) Macau will be developed into one of the world’s most attractive gambling and tourist attractions. (4) The Big Pearl River Delta is set to become one of the world’s most resilient economies. Tourism is a mainstay industry for Hong Kong and China. Hong Kong ranks as the number 1 choice for Chinese tourists. Some 33.4 million Chinese citizens visited Hong Kong during the period between 1998 and 2003, which accounted for 43.4% of China’s outbound tourists. Southern China is also the hottest destination for Hong Kong tourists, who account for 73% of the region’s travel market. Of the 9+2 participating provinces and special administrative regions, Guangdong has given the green light to tours to Hong Kong and Macau by individuals. Fuzhou, Xiamen and Chuanzhou of the Fujian province also followed suit on July 1, 2004. This trend is expected to stimulate the growth of the travel industry in the region. Accordingly, Hong Kong’s travel industry would be able to have a bigger share of China’s travel market and cooperate with their southern Chinese partners. In addition, through international cooperation, the pan-Pearl River Delta can be presented to foreign tourists as a tourism hot spot. Macau is world-famous for its gaming industry. But it can also serve as a platform for tourism, information service, professional service, logistics and air transport, and off-shore financial service. Macau has the potential to become an even hotter tourist attraction offering regional commercial and trade services. Macau has to find a way out of relying solely on gambling revenues and the Pearl River Delta regional economy seems to be the answer. The 4 economic pillars of Macau are gaming, financial service, construction, and export processing, of which gaming is the most important, accounting for half of the city’s revenues. However, gaming cuts two ways. The gambling and entertainment industries are of no help to Macau in terms of bringing its economy to a higher level. In fact, over-dependency on gambling is bringing down Macau’s economic quality. The Pearl River Delta Regional Economy has important implications for Macau’s political and economic development. As the CEPA is kicked into high gear, regional cooperation and joint development will be in the mutual interest of both Macau and the rest of the region. The key to a city’s sustainable development lies in bringing out complementarity. Therefore, the 9+2 Pearl scheme would open Macau’s gaming industry to a greater market. As the Chinese people become increasingly affluent and have more spare time and disposable incomes, the Chinese travel market is expected to grow at a higher rate. China has the largest population in the world and the largest domestic travel market. In 2002, 8 out of 13 Chinese citizens made a trip. Experience shows that when a country’s GDP per capita reaches US$800-1000, travels will become popular and a part of life. China’s domestic tourists will reach 3 billion by 2020, on the premise that every Chinese citizen make two trips a year. According to the 10th Five-year Plan made by China’s National Travel Board, China’s foreign tourists will top 21 million by 2010, creating a revenue of US58 billion. Domestic tourists will reach 2.9 billion and create a revenue of 2040 billion Chinese yuan. The total tourism output will reach 2500 billion Chinese yuan and account for 8% of China’s GDP. Scholars are optimistic about the prospects of China’s tourism.


the Pearl Delta Region


