  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 郭文忠博士 徐學忍博士


本研究論文主要探討基層村里組織中村里民大會的功能與演變,村里組織係地方自治中最基層的編組單位,其組織功能之運作健全與否,影響著地方自治推行成功與否及行政功能之發揮。村里組織中以村里長為組織之中心,村里民大會係政府政令宣導與村里民表達意見之場所,亦是村里民與政府溝通的管道。村里長、村里組織的功能及村里民大會之召開運作功能等,由於近年來受到時代的進步及社會結構的大幅變遷,其功能是否仍然一成不變呢?或有加以檢討與改進之建議?都值得探討。 本論文之研究方法以歷史研究法為主,研究之方法主要在於相關文獻之分析,藉以瞭解過去台灣地區村里民大會之實施情形與演變過程。並以現階段桃園縣實施之情形為研究對像,祈透過歷史演進分析、闡釋及就其實際運作的情形加以檢討並提出建議。全文共分六章論述,各章之大意如下: 第一章 緒論 論述本文之研究動機,對於村里民大會之功能演變、村里長的產生方式等及研究方法、架構、限制等予以概括性的說明。 第二章 地方自治相關文獻之探討 參考探討相關學者對地方自治的闡述及對村里組織的見解與看法,同時蒐集相關的政府出版品一起為研究之資料。 第三章 村里組織之現況探討 就村里的組織沿革、村里長的產生方式、村里業務等作探討,亦比較村里長與村里幹事的角色差異及村里與社區之差異等。 第四章 桃園縣村里民大會制度設計 本章主要論述村里民大會之沿革與其會期、議案之效力及督導考核、實施現況等。 第五章 桃園縣村里民大會功能之研究 探討村里民大會所面臨的困境與缺失並提出改進之建議及存廢等看法。 第六章 結論 提出研究發現及現況探討,主要目的再對村里民大之存廢加以分析檢討,提出個人的意見。


This thesis mainly explores the functions and development of village/borough residents’ meeting, which is a part of the organization of villages and boroughs. Villages and boroughs lie at the basis of local municipal hierarchy. The soundness of their functioning determines the success and administrative effectiveness of local municipal governments. Village/borough organizations are headed by village/borough directors. Village/borough residents’ meetings are where the government disseminates its policies, where local residents communicate with the government. In view of significant changes in time and social structure in recent years, people begin to question whether the functions of village/borough directors and the operation of village/borough residents’ meetings need to remain the same. Or, is there is a need for review and adjustment? This paper employs the approach of historical research. Through analysis of relevant documentations it attempts to understand the operations and development of village/borough residents’ meetings in Taiwan. Taoyuan County has been chosen for case study. Through historical analysis, its implementations are analyzed and reviewed. Recommendations are proposed accordingly. The entire paper is divided into 6 chapters. Outlines of each chapter are as follows: Chapter 1 Introduction Describes the motive of this research and gives a general discourse on development of village/borough residents’ meetings, how village/borough directors are appointed and method/framework/restrictions of research. Chapter 2 Exploration of Documents on Local Municipal System Reviews scholars’ views of local municipal government and village/borough organizations. Also collects government publications for studies. Chapter 3 Current Condition of Village/Borough Organizations Discusses development of village/borough organizations, appointment of village/borough directors and village/borough administration. Also compares the roles of village/borough directors and village/borough staffs, as well as the differences between village/borough and community. Chapter 4 Design of Village/Borough Residents’ Meetings of Taoyuan County Expounds on history of village/borough residents’ meetings, duration of each meeting session, power of resolutions, evaluation and supervision, and current implementation. Chapter 5 Functions of Village/Borough Residents’ Meetings of Taoyuan County Delves into difficulties village/borough residents’ meetings are faced with, as well as related drawbacks, proposes recommendations and comments on their continued existence. Chapter 6 Conclusion Presents research findings and current condition analysis. The main purpose is to offer personal opinion on the existence of village/borough residents’ meetings.




