  • 學位論文


Investigation of inflation risk and financial planning for retirement

指導教授 : 徐學忍 郭文忠


由於人口的急速老化,65歲以上人口佔總人口比例逐漸提高,退休規劃是個人最長期也是最重要的財務計劃。養兒防老,已不符合現代時勢潮流,想要過有尊嚴的退休生活,退休後的日子不能依賴子女,也不能光靠老人年金或政府救濟,最可靠的來源是以在工作期的儲蓄來累積自己的退休金。所以,身處高風險、低成長的微利時代,如何讓自己能安心退休,也能富足退休,如何累積足夠財富,已是當前刻不容緩的任務與值得探討之課題。 勞退新制上路後,企業、個人將相對提撥6%至退休金帳戶,但多數人退休後所得替代率仍明顯不足,勞退新制的最大特色就是退休金帳戶跟著勞工走,勞工一定可以領到錢,然這筆錢真的夠用嗎?到底要存多少錢才夠退休?本文從考慮通貨膨脹風險下對退休理財規劃之影響,由於通貨膨脹壓力日漸增加,通貨膨脹率高於銀行的實際定存利率甚多,也造成實質利率呈現負利率的狀態,使得民眾的荷包嚴重縮水,實質購買力下降,而勞退新制給付的金額也將只是杯水車薪,難以支應退休後的主要生活開支,因此規劃分析哪些投資理財金融商品,具抗通貨膨脹特性,俾能在每個退休理財規劃過程中,選擇最適投資工具,為自己打造富足的退休生活。


As the rapidly aging population expands, people with age above 65 occupies gradually higher percentage on the total population, retirement planning is the most long-term and important financial planning to a single person. It’s not the trend to rely on your sons or daughters to raise you when you get older, if you want to have dignity after retirement, you can not rely on them for a living, you can’t also rely on just the old man pension or the support from government, the most reliable source is to raise your pension from the saving you made while you are still at work. Therefore, living in a high risk, low growth and low profit era, how to let yourself retire comfortably and in wealth, and how to accumulate enough fortune is really an urgent task and a topic worth investigating. The new labor retirement system is enforced, enterprise and each single person will have to be deducted 6% to the pension account, but the income replacement rate after retirement for most people is still not enough, the most distinct feature of the new labor retirement system is that the retirement pension account will go with the labor, labor can always get the money, however, is this money really enough? How much money is really required for a retirement? This study considers the effect of inflation risk on the financial planning for retirement. The inflation pressure becomes higher and higher day by day, the inflation rate is much higher than the fixed interest rate in the bank, real interest rate thus becomes a negative growth, therefore, common people’s money becomes less and the real purchasing power gets reduced. However, the money paid by new labor retirement system is only very few, it is difficult to support the daily money expense after retirement, therefore, it is very important to plan and analyze what investment and financial product has the anti-inflation property in order to select the most appropriate investment tool for the retirement financial planning and finally build a wealthy retirement life for yourself.


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2. 謝劍平〈2003〉,《固定收益證券投資與創作》,智勝文化事業有限公司。
3. 邱顯比〈2005〉,《退休理財的六堂課》,天下遠見出版股份有限公司。
4. 邱顯比〈2003〉,《基金理財的六堂課》,天下遠見出版股份有限公司。


