  • 學位論文

豐田式汽車初期品質管理模式建構之研究---國瑞汽車CORONA PREMIO 1.6ž.0為例

Constructing TOYOTA Initial Quality Management Model of Vehicle---A Case Study of CORONA PREMIO 1.6ž.0 of KUOZUI

指導教授 : 陳啟光 博士


豐田式汽車初期品質管理模式建構之研究 國瑞汽車CORONA PREMIO 1.6ž.0為例 研究生:石清城 指導教授:陳啟光博士 元智大學工業工程與管理研究所 摘 要 J.D.POWER公司每年實施並透過媒體公佈汽車初期品質調查(Initial Quality Study;IQS),該調查結果對各汽車廠來年銷售有很大的影響,因此各汽車製造公司都設法改善IQS品質,以爭取最佳的J.D.POWER調查成績。根據瞭解,大部分汽車製造公司都是透過問卷調查及廠內責任分工來進行改善,但對J.D.POWER所提供的 IQS調查結果,應該如何詮釋以及IQS改善模式的探討,目前仍相當欠缺。 本研究嘗試建構豐田式 IQS管理模式,並採用國瑞汽車CORONA車型為例,來探討提昇汽車初期品質之改善活動。該模式主要包含(1)出貨評價方式;(2)IQS自主評價方式來研究汽車初期品質之管理。研究方法為從IQS 135調查項目中,選出顧客最不滿意的50項,作成評價清單,從事車輛靜態及動態評價,並把結果做成IQS月報,我們更結合零件廠商及經銷商共同徹底追蹤對策之效果。經實證研究之結果顯示,由J.D.POWER 調查結果所選出的IQS Worst 50項累計分數,客戶不滿意度分數與1999年相較,2000年的分數下降12.2分,整體改善率為5%,同時亦使該車型蟬連獲得J.D.POWER國產車IQS第一名。該驗證結果表示本研究所建構之豐田式汽車初期品質管理模式確實發揮其功效。


Constructing TOYOTA Initial Quality Management Model of Vehicle ---A Case Study of CORONA PREMIO 1.6 & 2.0 of KUOZUI Student:Ching-Cherng Shih Advisor:Dr.Chi-Kuang Chen Institute of Industrial Engineering And Management Yuan-Ze University Abstract The objective of this study is to construct TOYOTA initial quality management model. Vehicle initial quality study by J.D. Power has become a major influential factor in the new car market share. Even car manufacturers are very concern about the results of this survey; however, no scientific study in regard to this topic has been found so far. In this study, we intend to construct a systematic self-improvement model which focuses on the cause-tracing. The proposed model incorporates not only the suppliers but also the dealers. In order to examine the validity of the proposed model, we conduct an empirical analysis by using CORONA PREMIO as subject. The result show that the initial quality of this car surveyed by J.D. Power in 2000 does improved about 5%, comparing to 1999. It indicates that the dissatisfied points decrease from 249.8 to 237.6.


3."A Guide for Implementing Total Quality Management", Reliability Analysis Center, DoD, USA, 1990.
4.Taguchi, G., Introduction to Quality Engineering, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo (1986)
參 考 資 料
1.Juran, J.M.(ed), Quality Control Handbook, Mcgraw-Hill Book Co.,NY (1974)
2.Crosby, P. B., Quality is Free, Mcgraw-Hill Book Co., NY (1979)
