  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 何應欽


豐田生產方式是由「及時化」及「自働化」兩大支柱所構成,透過不斷 的改善活動,徹底排除浪費來製造「物品」。但由於豐田生產方式是一種實 踐重於理論分析,實績與效果重於過程的實務運作體系,且包含著內隱的知 識,故難窺其全貌,更難掌握成功實踐的要訣。 本研究希望經由實證研究將A-Team 實施豐田生產方式的運作方式及其 績效評估加以整理,針對未來想引進豐田生產方式並獲致成效的企業,提出 下列幾項建議:


Toyota Production System (TPS) is a kind of production method by using continuous kaizen to eliminate all kinds of muda thoroughly. TPS is based on two concepts including Just In Time (JIT) and Jidoka. TPS is a practical operation that emphasize on more implementation than the theory and more effect or output than process. Since the knowledge of TPS is implicit in nature, it is difficult to recognize TPS and to practice TPS successfully. Through this practical research of A-Team, the researcher expects to search for necessary conditions for effective operation and to point out the key successful factors of TPS. Then the researcher has some suggestions to those enterprises, which intend to implement TPS successfully as follows: ● The top management who has accurate sensation of implementing TPS should lead ahead and fully support all activities. Furthermore, the top management is willing to authorize his foremen and workers to adjust production activities when it is required, and tolerate the loss incurred by inadequacy. ● Choose appropriate TPS leader and establish a group to lead the TPS implementation. The whole members will be induced to participate by means of team self-improvement and training. ● In order to learn the implicit knowledge of TPS, an experienced instructor is indispensable.


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張進旺(2009)。推行豐田式生產管理系統之關鍵要素 以汽車模具業為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200901301
