  • 學位論文

推行豐田式生產管理系統之關鍵要素 以汽車模具業為例

The Key Factors of Implementing Toyota Production System— An Example of Automobile Molding Industry

指導教授 : 黃惠民


豐田式生產管理系統(Toyota Production System, TPS)主要以及時化及自働化兩大主軸所發展出來的合理化生產系統,尤其以消除企業內製造流程所有一切的浪費和進行各種以流程改善為核心的活動來展開系統化導入。透過豐田生產管理方式可以提高生產力、降低成本、提高作業效率、提昇品質,進而建構少量多樣化的製造模式,可以提高公司獲利及企業競爭優勢。汽車製造產業因為零組件眾多,可算是扮演製造業的火車頭角色,尤其是模具製造對車體安全和結構性影響甚鉅。車廠對於模具生產的需求最重要的是高品質、短週期、彈性化,而模具從原物料到成品製造過程中因製程眾多、半成品多、廢料多等情況,如何同時降低成本以及滿足車廠需求,將是獲利及生存關鍵。因此,國內眾多汽車模具業紛紛導入豐田式生產管理系統來建構自身的競爭優勢。 本研究透過問卷方式調查國內汽車模具業導入豐田式生產管理系統的關鍵要素,以瞭解在模具產業中導入關鍵要素。透過文獻回顧,歸納整理出導入豐田生產方式的關鍵要素,再以層級分析(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)建立三主要構面(次要構面):及時化(生產力、品質、庫存和交期)、自働化(生產彈性和管理系統)和管理變革(高階主管認同與承諾、企業文化與制度)。透過過對國內六家汽車模具公司進行問卷的發放與回收,分析結果顯示在模具產業推行豐田式生產系統最重要的關鍵構面為「管理變革」,其關鍵要素為「高階主管認同與承諾」,顯見推行豐田式生產管理系統成功最須要由上而下(Top-down)的推動,並由最高階管理階層提供組織承諾與必要資源協助;其次關鍵子要素為「經營主管認同與承諾」,亦反應了變革需由上至下透過各單位經營主管的認同和管理承諾,方能落實到作業面上,以達到實際變革之效。 關鍵字:豐田式生產管理、汽車模具業、分析層級程序法


The main key factors of Toyota Production System (TPS) are just-in-time (JIT) and stop-reject automation (Jidoka) to deploy the rational production system. The fundamental spirit of TPS is to pursue the continuously improving process and eliminating wastes. Through the TPS, the company may enhance productivity, cost down, enhance effiveness, and improve quality, then establishment of various and small-lot production model. Utimately, the TPS way makes company increase profit and create competitive advantage. The automobile industry acts the leader company in manufacturing industry, since the numerous parts and in particular the moldings have a great impact on safety and structure. The automobile factory asks the supplier of molding companues to provide the high quality, short cycle time and flexibility. For an automobile molding company, how to cost dowan and meet the requirements simultaneously from raw material to finished goods is a key to maintain profit. Therefore, many of automobile molding companies implemented the TPS to construct the competitive advantage. This research studies the key factors of implementing TPS for automobile moldilng industry in Taiwan by questionnaire survey. By literature review, this research summarized the three key factors (secondary factors) of implementing TPS by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP): JIT (productivity, quality, inventory and delivery), Jidoka (manufacturing flexibility and management system), and management change (identification and commitment, culture and management system). Processing the questionnaire through six different companies in Taiwan, the results showed that the most important key factor of implementing TPS is management change, secondary important factors is high-level identification and commitment. It showed that the key successful factor of TPS is implementing top-down type, and provide the organizational commitment and essential resources from high-level management. For the operation level, the identification and commitment of business unit supervisors is most important sub-factor, since it will implement the project activieies and achieve the change benefit. Keywords: Toyota production system, automobile moldilng industry, analytical hierarchy process




陳俊哲(2012)。豐田生產系統在製造業以外的應用 -以台灣豐田汽車售後服務之鈑噴服務為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2012.00444
