  • 學位論文


The Research Concerning Acquirement of Reservation for Taoyuan County Public Facilities

指導教授 : 紀俊臣 徐學忍


桃園縣近年來由於工商業發展吸引外來人口遷入,人口的成長使得公共設施用地的需求量增加,原先規劃設置並已取得開闢的公共設施亦不敷使用,為提升生活品質,目前所存在的公共設施保留地取得問題,也是課不容緩,然而縣政府及所屬鄉鎮市財政狀況普遍困難,以目前估算待取得公共設施保留地的面積、徵收補償價額,並非縣政府的財政預算可以負擔的,也因為無足夠的經費徵收轄區的公共設施保留地,不但影響地主權益,更使得公共設施興闢進度落後,造成都市環境品質日益惡化;故公共設保留地的取得是能在有限的徵收補償預算中,既維護地主的權益,又能加速取得並開闢之,確實是當前縣政府重要的施政難題。 桃園縣在徵收補償經費不足情形下,實施合理補償機制將產生公共設施保留地的少數地主獲得合理補償,多數地主權益繼續犧牲,以及公共設施保留地取得效果不彰的問題,但是在現行的補償機制下,縣政府除應積極努力籌措補償經費外,同時仍須積極尋找其他可行之補償替代方案。因此,為減少徵收補償費支出及加速取得公共設施保留地,應迅速研擬包括公私有土地交換、容積移轉、競標方案的實施方式、補償內容,並探討這些替代方案在桃園縣實施之可行性評估,以及可能將遭遇的問題與困難,以及如何克服。 最後以桃園縣取得公共設施保留地的經驗分析,說明合理補償機制的建構並不易獲致他人的認同,並應檢討目前公共設施保留地區位劃設之合理性,避免公共設施用地投資的浪費,同時對於合理補償機制之適用時機進行研究,並建立多元之徵收補償配套措施,因此,除非替代方案的實施能普遍達到取代現金補償機制,否則公共設施保留地不應以合理補償機制為取得之唯一模式。


In recent years, because of development of industries in Taoyuan County, there’re more and more people moving here. Due to the growing of population, the requirement of sites for public facilities increases meanwhile. The public facilities, which have already been planned and acquired, are not enough to meet such sudden increase. As a result, in order to promote quality of daily life, it is very important to acquire more sites for building public facilities. Unfortunately, the country government and towns meet financial difficulties at this moment. It is very hard for county government to burden the financial budget according to those square measures of public facilities reservations and compensations which are waiting to be collected. As the county government doesn’t have sufficient budget to collect public facilities reservations among its area, rights of landowners are affected. Besides, building of public facilities falls far behind and quality of city environment is getting worsen. Therefore, if county government has sufficient budget to collect those lands for building public facilities, it does not only defend landlords’ rights but also speed the acquirement and development. However, this is the most difficult point for our county government presently. Under the insufficient compensation, if the government executes a system of rational compensation, a few of landowners will get rational compensation. On the contrary, most of landowners have to sacrifice their rights. Moreover, it is not helpful for acquiring public facilities reservations. As a result, under the present system, county government needs to work hard for raise funds and figure out any other substitute project. In order to solve the present difficulties to decrease any further cost and speed to acquire for public facilities reservations, some projects, such as exchange of public and private lands, transport of continent and bid, etc., are suggested to be planned as soon as possible. In the same time, to evaluate is it possible to execute these substitute projects in Taoyuan County and to see if there will be any difficulties or problems and how to solve them. According to the experiences that Taoyuan acquires for the public facilities reservations, it can tell how difficult rational compensation system is to be identified by people. Besides, it tells us that we should criticize ourselves if the plan of public facilities reservations is rational and acceptable to avoid further waste. Meanwhile, we have to research the available time to do the rational compensation system and build up multiple projects for collecting. In conclusion, unless all the substitute projects can replace with compensation by cash, rational compensation system cannot be deemed as the only method to acquire public facilities reservations.




1.Coughlin, Robert E. & Keene, John C.(1980). The Protection of Farmland:A Reference Guidebook for State and Local Government(Amherst, M. A.: National Agricultural Lands Study, Regional Research Institute).
