  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Key Success Factors of R&D Center Instituted in China by Taiwan IPC Vendors

指導教授 : 林向杰 博士 陳家祥 博士


摘要 全球化浪潮的方興未艾,促使各跨國公司紛紛邁出腳步,整合運用全球資源,經營其全球業務。同時,中國大陸夾其豐沛的廉價勞力,吸引各國投資,成為全球製造工廠。在面對全球市場的差異,與講求速度競爭的環境下,各跨國企業策略考量外設研發中心,以求貼近當地市場,迅速回應顧客需求。 本文以跨國公司外設研發中心為背景,探討台灣工業電腦廠商在中國大陸設置研發單位之關鍵成功因素。透過定性個案研究之內容分析法,從文獻探討與研究者對產業的了解,整理出八個類目問項,對個案公司八位與大陸研發中心設立及運作有關的中高階主管進行訪談。 透過簡單加權評估法歸納,本研究得出影響大陸研發中心成功的六個重要因素為成功關鍵因素,依序是(1)主管的支持、(2)人才的選育用留、(3)設立地點的選擇、(4)兩岸研發中心的合作、(5)兩岸研發中心的溝通與(6)研發程序模組化。從而提供後進同業前進中國大陸之參考,與建議未來可能的研究方向。


ABSTRACT The global ascendant urges international companies to integrate the universal resource and worldwide sales management. Meanwhile, Mainland China takes advantage of low labor cost to attract foreign companies as worldwide manufacturers. Confronting the diversity of global markets and competitive velocity environments, the strategy of many international companies regards as R&D center institution externally so as to meet faster customers’ response in local markets. This thesis is to probe the key success factors of R&D center instituted in China by Taiwan IPC vendors. It’s a case study of an international IPC vendor that is owned by Taiwan. By utilizing qualitative content analysis in bibliography and author’s IPC knowledge, it wraps up eight question categories in questionnaire. Furthermore, author deploys the interview with eight top managers correlating with institution and logistics of China R&D center in this international IPC company. Weighted analysis demonstrates the six important factors as key successful factors to influence R&D center instituted in China; the sequential order consists of (1)the top managers’ support, (2)the engineers’ recruitment, (3)the location of R&D center institution, (4)the collaboration between Taiwan and China R&D teams, (5)the communication between Taiwan and China R&D teams, (6)the organized and modulized research and design methods.


R&D center Key success factor Industrial PC


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