  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 曾淑芬


置身資訊社會中,當服務業工作的性質結合彈性就業的趨勢,益加突顯在此結構轉型的年代裡,勞動市場彈性化、與重構之後對於就業穩定性上的影響,及當工作愈加不穩定後對於勞工工作品質及及當經濟上的維持也呈現不穩定狀態時,對於工作安全性及勞工生活上可能造成之影響,而工作穩定性與安全性上的探討則更值得重視。本研究主要觀察國內就業結構轉型過程中,結構性失業勞工在經歷就業變動後如何能夠獲得再度就業的機會,及當其再度就業後在行業變動、職業流動方面,對於工作穩定性及工作保障性的影響。 研究結果指出結構性失業者恢復再就業的能力有限,而決定再就業的因素除了性別、年齡等人口特質因素外,主要來自於教育程度、及工作年資等人力資本變項。再就業後以業內流動情況為多,在職業位階上以職業聲望向下流動或不變動的情況較為明顯,唯有在技術性行業內有較多向上流動情況,對於再就業者而言,在行業上或職業上的變動將帶來較明顯的收入減少情況,其中又以製造業流向服務業者所佔比例較高。再就業者的就業變動帶來的是不同層面的問題,業間變動者展現出的是工作不穩定的情況;而在職業結構上有所變動者,將出現工作保障性較低的問題。


In Taiwan, the unemployment rate rose from 1.2%, 1.8% to 2.3% in 1980, 1990 and 2000. In 2001, the unemployment rates reached a historical high at a rate of 4.57%. It revealed that the unemployment is getting worse and is a very significant problem in Taiwan. Structural unemployment or the long-term unemployment became the consequence at the transition age. Therefore, the first objective of this study is to describe the features of re-employment. That is, after experiencing the unemployment, who can be re-employed? When a person got re-employment, will he or she take whatever jobs are available? To what extent will a re-employed person suffer from job instability or insecurity? The second objective of this study is to investigate factors that related to job instability and insecurity. Does the lack of human capital, structural unemployment effect of former occupation, or features of service job that causing the rising job insecurity and instability? The results showed that male, younger, higher-educated person, or who had younger seniority, could have higher probability to get be re-employed. Comparing with their former job, most of the re-employers got a new job in the same industry and occupation. Labors who experienced transition between industries will suffer the job instability. Besides, people who experienced transition in occupation structure, both on transition to upper and lower occupation, will suffer the job insecurity. It revealed that the employment transitions took different meaning for the re-employer.


Auer, and Cazes (2003), Employment stability in an age of flexibility, ILO: Geneva.
Bell, Daniel (1976), The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, New York: Basic Books.


陳曼麗(2008)。中年退休人力再開發可行性之研究 以志願服務工作者為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-3001200811252500
