  • 學位論文


Researching Lived Experience of Re-employment of Middle-Aged People

指導教授 : 郭敏珣


隨著社會、經濟急遽變遷,人口高齡化的比率逐年升高的現今情 形,中高齡勞工勢必成為將來職場上人力資源主要來源,但自1979至1999年近20年觀察,中高齡者失業率卻年年成長,居各年齡組之首(行政院勞委會,1999)。而有鑑於中高齡者在職場上供過於求的情形,本研究希望能透過與具有再就業經驗之中高齡者之深度訪度,提供研究之發現給欲再就業之中高齡者及企業界僱用人才時之參考。 研究以質性研究之詮釋現象學為理論基礎,從深談訪談、資料整理、資料分析皆需將此研究方法內化於每個研究過程中,希望能呈現 還原並詮釋此一現象,進而發現在文獻中尚未提及之有趣發現。 本研究以六位具有再就業經驗之中高齡者為研究對象,透過訪談來了解他們對於再就業的生活經驗,並經由他們的經驗分享,整理出中高齡者從離職後、求職中及再職之心路歷程,整理成三大主題,分 別為: (一)離開職場機會少:中高齡者在離開職場後生活、心境上的轉變 (二)求職路上多阻撓;中高齡者在求職時所面對的困難與阻礙 (三)職場點滴全揭曉:中高齡者再次進入職場後實際經驗分享 而主題之下也分別有次主題來完整描述此一階段之經驗。 最後,研究者所提出本研究之研究限制,及研究建議希望能提給將來有興趣做此方面議題之研究者做一參考。


The changes of society and economy are fast and the ratio of the aging population is raising year by year; certainly, middle-aged labor become one of the human resources of the labor market. But the observation from 1979 to 1999, the unemployment rate of middle-aged people grew every year is the first of each aged-level(Council of Labor Affairs,1999). In the view of the condition of supply exceeds the demand in the middle-aged labor market, the study interviewed with the middle-aged people who have had the re-employment experience. The result from the study offered suggestions to the enterprises that wish to hire middle-aged people for re-employment. Based on the hermeneutic phenomenology of the qualitative research method, the study used depth interview, information arrangement, information analysis in the study process. The author intended to display, restore and interpret this phenomenon of re-employment experience of middle-aged people. The author hoped to discover lived experience that was never revealed in the literature. The objects of study are 6 middle-aged people with re-employment experience. By using interviews to understand the lived experience of re-employment, the author identified three themes through interviewees’ sharing. The themes covered from leaving the job, seeking for the job and returning to the job market, and the themes are: (1)Fewer opportunities after leaving the job: it discussed the change of life and the mind of the middle-aged people after leaving the job market. (2)More difficulties when seeking for the job: it discussed the difficulties and baffles when the middle-aged people are seeking for the job. (3)Show up the snatches of job market life: it discussed the real experience of returning to the job market. Under each main theme, sub-themes were used to describe the experience more completely. At last, the author described the research limits and recommendations for future researchers.


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陳曼麗(2008)。中年退休人力再開發可行性之研究 以志願服務工作者為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-3001200811252500
