  • 學位論文


A Factory Information System Model Using Electronic Commerce Technology

指導教授 : 鄭元杰


本研究文的目的在發展一電子商務化的生產製造資訊系統(Electronic Commerce — Factory Information System, EC-FIS),主要目的是要能處理工廠所產生的即時資訊並整合不同資料的搜集與使用,使組織間的電子商務容易實行,且較容易的面對現今多變的生產環境。傳統上,工廠資訊系統傳送與儲存資料的方法大多使用特定的格式來傳送與儲存,這種方法會使整個工廠資訊系統各子系統的連結性變大,也會使系統彈性變差,使得工廠資訊系統在面對現在多變且全球化的環境之下,因無法適應改變,發揮應有的功效。   網際網路的技術發展一日千里,網路上大量資訊無法有效被使用的限制也因為XML語言的發展,而開始改變,XML的使用將可使網際網路上的資訊可清楚表達原意,另外,代理人程式的使用,也可自動的為使用者做一些繁瑣的事。所以本研究將使用XML與代理人程式這兩個網際網路上電子商務最有力的工具,來建立一個工廠的資訊系統資料收集與處理的模式。   本研究基本的想法是把工廠生產製造的資訊用XML來表達,然後使用Web伺服器來呈現,再使用代理人程式用類似搜尋引擎的方法,來收集與傳送工廠生產製造的相關資訊,加上網際網路的技術的使用,將可有效獨立資訊系統的各個部份,使系統有很好的彈性。 本研究希望達成下列目標:(1)使用相同的方法,來搜集工廠生產製造的資訊而不依特定資料儲存格式(2)遠端與近端使用相同的資料搜集方法(3)監控節點與監控內容可以任意改變,而不必修改系統。研究中以程式語言模擬真實的印刷電路板廠的運作,建構印刷電路板製造廠之生產製造資訊系統模式並完成一雛型系統,並使用本研究所提之模式來搜集與處理模擬出來的資訊,用以驗証模式的正確性。


In this research, an Electronic Commerce-Factory Information System (EC-FIS) model is developed, The main purpose is to integrate the various information in a production and manufacturing system to support and facilitate the implementation of electronic commerce(EC). Traditionally, an FIS uses fixed way to transfer and record the information in a factory. This way can make the subsystems in an FIS more complicated and less flexile. With the internet technology , the XML(eXtensible Markup Language) offers a new approach to solve the problem of transferring a great quantity of information. In addition the user agent program can do some complex function for users automatically. In this thesis the agent program and XML are used to build a FIS system model for collection and processing factory data to enhance flexibility. The basic idea is to use XML for describing, A web server is used to present the data, supervisor computer uses an agent to collect data in a way similar to a search engine, the advantages of the developed model are as follows: (1) All the factory data such as WIP(work in process), material, machine status can be collect in the same way. (2) Local information and remote information can be processed in the same way. (3) The number of supervisor and number of factory data nodes can be changed and without modifying the FIS system. In this thesis a real PCB(Printed Circuit Board) is simulated using the Visual BASIC computer language, the developed EC-FIS model is implemented to process factory information from the simulate program to show this model is correct and useful. In conclusion, it shows that the presented EC-FIS model is suitable for processing the data and information in a complicated and interaction factory production and manufacturing system to support an integrated EC environment.


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