  • 學位論文


A Study of Dissolved Oxygen Diffusion in Surfactant Solution and Its Treatment by Chemical Method

指導教授 : 林勝雄


經由家庭污水、工廠廢水所排放之高濃度界面活性劑溶液,而污染河 川水體,使水體中界面活性劑濃度上升,造成飄浮泡沫,阻礙水中光合作 用,防礙氧氣的質傳及擴散。本文以擴散試驗器(Diffusion Cell),研究 氧氣在溶液中的擴散行為,利用數學邊界條件求得氧擴散係數(Diffusion Coefficient),進而了解含有界面活性劑之溶液對氧擴散係數之影響;本 文研究之界面活性劑分別為陰離子界面活性劑(ABS、LAS)及非離子界面活 性劑(AE)。最後針對水溶液中界面活性劑,以傳統電解、電芬法及Fenton 二種化學方法去除之。利用電解法破壞界面活性劑分子,及改良傳統電解 方式,添加過氧化氫,增加其氧化力,以縮短反應時間及增加去除的效率 ,也嘗試利用Fenton法,去除界面活性劑,並以界面活性劑為指標,探討 雙氧水,亞鐵離子對氧化動力學的影響;以去除界面活性劑為判斷標準, 求得去除界面活性劑最佳化加藥量,以達最佳處理效果,如此方式方能達 到水資源回收再利用之目的。


Surfactant are chemical compounds often found in the household and manyindustrial wastewaters. Due to their refarctory nature, they could cause severe pollution problem of the receiving water body. Especially in highconcentration, surfactant in aqueous solution can also cause severe foamingwhich prevent photosythensis and oxygen transfer from atmospheric air to the water. In the present study, a special diffusion cell was designed. Thisdevice along whih an operation procedure allows easy determination of diffusion coefficient of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the surfactnat-containingor other industrial wastewater. A set of mathematical equations was developspecifically for this purpose. In the present work, various surfactnat including ABS, LAS and AE were considered to demonstrate the application ofthe method proposed in this work. Also considered in this investigation weretreatment of surfactant wastewater by electrochemical and Fenton methods. The traditional electrochemical method was modified here by addition of a small hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the treatment efficiency of the enhanced electrochemical method was found to be excellent in comparison to the conventional one. The Fenton method utilizing appropriate amonut of hydrogenperoxide (H2O2) and Ferrous sulfate (FeSO4) was found to be very efficientalso. The optimal ratio of these compound, pH, temperature were determined.The reaction kinetics of the power type of the Fenton method was determinedin term of the H2O2 and FeSO4 concentration.
