  • 學位論文


A Research for the Soldier’s Campsite management mechanism-Taken the question of the Soldier's campsite have being appropriate as the example.

指導教授 : 李弘暉


占用,向為國有土地管理機關難以處理之問題,國軍營地又屬國有土地之一環,軍中列管國軍營地遭占用之情形,與其他部門之狀況並無二致,因此,本研究以陸軍官校為例,從占用發生之成因為著眼,分析各階段占用案之處理方式,就占用之成因與排除作業進行回顧與研究。探討目前公部門在處理占用問題上之缺口,並在適法之基礎上,研擬出適時又合乎情理之解決方案。 經國軍初步調查發現,占用土地之時間大多為1950至1970年間,即國產法尚未施行前:主要占用者大部分為榮民,其次為與營區有地緣關係之一般民眾,其中大部分以居住為目的,極少數以營利為目的。而對占用無法順利排除之原因,以占用人無力他遷歸還土地和對占用土地周邊環境之依賴性為主。調查中又發現占用人之要求大多以就地終老為訴求,而軍方目前之處理方式大都朝向以民事訴訟為手段。在憲法有保障人民財產權之原則下,應尚有可調整之空間。本研究之終極目的,即在解決國軍營地占用問題,並協助因環境因素所導致之違法占用者能回歸正常社會,並消弭此類軍民衝突,促進土地管理之效能。


國軍營地 土地管理 占用


Soldier’s campsite have being appropriate. It always is a one of the major problem for The State-run Land Authority. Soldier’s campsite is belonging to our state-run’s land also; so, about soldier’s campsite being appropriate this status sure should be serious with other departments too. Therefore, this research basic on the soldier’s campsite have being appropriate as the example. From the appropriate happened cause to begin, and to analyze every different grade’s taking up cases, to look back and study all the cause and to be exclude. Probe into the present gap for the department of the common breach on dealing with the taking up’s cases to build the reasonable solution on the foundation of the law right. Found by country's army's preliminary investigation. Soldiers campsite have being appropriate mostly between 1950 and 1970. Which before the domestic law has not been implemented yet; Main Occupant’s majority is a veteran, secondly are the citizen who’s relate to the campsite area. Majority among are only inhabiting as object, a few with commercial for the purpose. To the occupant's can’t be able to get rid of smoothly. It’s all because most of the occupant's don’t have living ability in able to move and return state-run’s land and also there environment dependence. Find the occupier's requests mostly want to live the same place till death. Now the military's mostly will take the case move towards to the civil action. Under the principle that the constitution has the right to ensure people's property, should still have adjustable space. Ultimate purpose of this research, namely is solving the national defense land and the appropriate problem, and help the illegal occupant caused by environmental factor institute to return to the normal society, and prevent this kind of army and the people's conflict, promote the efficiency of land management, in order to reach the goal of「profit to the limit of ground」.


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