  • 學位論文


Study on the Military Management that is under the Current Combination of the Enlistment System and the Conscription System-sampled from army grass-roots troops

指導教授 : 郭文忠
共同指導教授 : 徐學忍(Hsueh-Jen Hsu)


兵役制度是社會與國防之間的重要界面,兼具國防與社會的雙重功能,故我們必須從國家整體性的觀點出發,才能正確檢視國家兵役制度的發展方向。一個國家兵役制度的建立,主要是為了適應國防軍事需要。我國隨著主環境、國際兩岸關係及戰爭型態的改變,國防兵役制度已由過去的徵兵制調整為徵兵制與募兵制併存。然而志願士兵召募工作對軍隊內部出現兵役時期長短、薪餉與編制不同、工作環境轉變,對不同類型部隊若無適切的管理,可能會有法理所造成管理上之不公性;而且在縮減兵源及招募志願役士兵政策下,如何在軍隊編組及管理上有所變革,將直接影響部隊整體戰力。 本文主要依據問卷調查結果與訪談了歷經多年基層單位歷練之校、尉級軍官所得之樣本資料,探討本軍志願役軍官幹部、志願役士官、士兵及義務役官兵分別對於擔任志願役士兵因素、條件、組織編組型態及對領導人管理的認同因素等,藉以瞭解基層單位成員在目前徵、募兵役混合制度下,對於在其單位服役之心態及單位的編組與管理如何影響組織績效,並希望藉此獲得一最佳之組織編組模式,以提供日後在此兵役制度下部隊組織管理之參考。 根據我們的資料分析結果,我們歸納出以下幾點結論:1.薪資福利制度仍是吸引志願役士兵從軍的主要誘因,2.編組方式以專長派職為主,3.部隊中普遍存有”同工同酬”心態,因此需有志願役與義務役士兵不同管理標準,4.士兵對單位領導者領導風格認同度不高,5.受訪者對單位的歸屬感普遍低落。 本研究並發現志願役與義務役之差異十分明顯,顯示(1)就領導風格而言,志願役士、兵最高,次為志願役軍官,而義務役士、兵最低。可能原因為志願役軍官較具自己看法;而義務役士、兵多半認為領導幹部未以身作則,並且缺少對他們的關懷,進而互相產生不信任感。(2)就組織編組認同而言,志願役軍官最高,次為義務役士、兵,而志願役士、兵最低。顯示義務役基於國民服兵役之義務,單位往往為抽籤決定,對組織之認同度較高。反之,志願役士、兵依照專長區分,往往較具主觀看法認為未分配到合適單位。(3)就單位認同而言,志願役軍官最高,次為志願役士、兵,而義務役士、兵最低。可能原因為義務役士、兵往往差異性較大,學歷普遍差異大,對單位認同度較低。 根據本文的研究結論,我們提出以下幾點建議以提供日後部隊組織編組之參考:1.軍官應著重於領導與決策角色;而士官則應著重於管理層次,2.落實士官制度,3. 志願役與義務役的新兵訓練課程與訓期應分開。


The system of military service is the important interface between the society and national defence, it have the double functions of national defence and society concurrently, so we could inspect the developing direction of the national system of military service correctly from the viewpoint of national globality. The setting-up of a national system of military service, is mainly for meet the needs of national defence military affairs. In response to the changed status between Taiwan Strait, the military service system is readjusted from conscription system to the combination of the enlistment system and the conscription system. However, the recruitment of enlisted servicemen produces different period of military service, salary and organization, that compared to the conscripted soldiers, it will cause the managerial unfairness. Under reducing the manpower resource and recruiting battle soldier's policy, how to organize into groups in the army will influence army's whole fighting capacity directly. The main basis questionnaire investigation result of this text and interview were taken from officers, enlists and conscripted soldiers to know the mission related organization and identification of leader's management. We hope to get one best organization in the way by this, and to offer in this reference of going to army's organizational management of system of military service in the future. According to our statistics and results of study, we conclude some following conclusions: 1. The welfare system of the wages is still the main inducement attracting enlisted soldier to join the army, 2. The way relies mainly on sending the duty in speciality to organize into groups, 3. Generally there exists " equal pay for equal work " in the army , so it needs to have different criteria to manage, 4.The soldier is not highly degree with unit's leader's leadership style, 5. Interviewees are generally low to the sense of ownership of the unit. According to the research conclusion of this text, we put forward some following suggestions in order to offer the reference that army's organization organize into groups in the future : 1. The officer should focus on leadership and decision role ; The sergeant should focus on the administrative system , 2 . Implement sergeant's system , 3. The new recruit's training program should be separated to train in enlisted soldiers and conscripted soldiers.


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林中吟(2008)。國軍專業軍官生涯管理制度建立 --以陸軍通資電兵科軍官為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0009-0507200809401300
