  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 林熙禎


本研究以訪談方式輔以次級資料,探討國軍現行人才招募策略的成效、招募策略執行之困難及實際執行情況。分析國軍人才招募策略受總體環境的影響,並針對現行國軍人才招募策略的不足,以行銷組合方式提出調整策略。研究發現,國軍招募訊息缺乏制定完整又結合時尚的招募策略,無法達到顧客滿意;預算作業費用短絀,基層單位人員異動大,導致招募人力不足;志願役士兵期待值與實際情況落差大,無法參加營外終身學習及國家考試,影響個人未來生涯規劃。 本論文主要研究建議下列九點,供國軍人才招募策略規劃時參考:1.招募指揮部的成立:仿效美國成立招募指揮部或招募旅,期使政策、行銷、招募、測驗、訓練一貫化流程,不受其他行政事務的干擾。2.招募資源的整合:將招募工作、資源上下整合,採取一致行動,拓展招募通路。3.加強招募人員的培育:加強人員培訓,必免經驗傳承落空。廣泛鼓勵招募人員公餘時間進修,充實新知,增進招募員的專業涵養。4.積極提高軍人形象。5.招募廣告統一委外製作:在文宣式樣要有創意,文宣語言上,以青年人所熟悉的語言及思考方式設計,以獲得社會青年及學生的注意及認同。6.強化網際網路的運用:充分運用網際網路的效能,吸引社會青年學生,達到宣傳效果。7.營造愉悅的工作環境,吸引社會青年投入軍旅。8.待遇福利合理化。9.積極輔導國家證照的取得。


This research by interview and secondary data to treat now national troops recruit tactical effects, difficulty and actual execution situation. Analyzes the national troops recruit strategy was under overall environment influence, and aims at now national troops recruit tactical insufficiency, provide adjustment strategy. The research discovered that: national troops recruit DM is short of completeness and fashion recruiting strategy for customer''s satisfaction; budget is insufficient, basic levels variation big makes recruited people draining; Dropping of voluntary soldier''s anticipation and actual situation, incapable to attend outside camp lifelong study and national examination, it affects individual future career planning. The thesis main research suggested following 9 items to provide recruiting tactical plan refers:1.Recruiting headquarters establishment: Imitates US to establish recruiting department, make policy, marketing, recruiting, testing and training consistent flow, w/o other administrations interruption.2.Recruiting resources integration: integrate recruiting and resource, take concerted action and develop recruiting circuit.3.Strengthens recruiting staff cultivation: strengthens staff training, avoid inherited experience failed. Generally encourage recruiting staff take advanced courses after working time to substantial new knowledge, promotes recruiter specialized self-restraint.4.Positively enhances military image.5.Recruiting advertisement outsourcing: DM form with creativity, DM language designed with by young people familiar language and thoughts to obtain socialist youths and student''s attention and the approval.6.Strengthening Internet utilization: full utilization Internet potency to attract socialist youth student and achieves propaganda effect.7.Builds joyful working conditions to attract socialist youths invests the troops.8.Treatment welfare rationalization.9.Positively assistant obtaining national licenses.


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