  • 學位論文


Part-time or full-time? The choice of position opening

指導教授 : 曾盛恕


本論文旨在了解目前台灣產業中,隨著產業的變遷,企業開始增加非典型僱用的情況下,對約聘人員所設定之工作類型,同時藉文獻探討,歸納出約聘人員選擇約聘之工作型態之動機,並對後續企業徵才時,設定約聘職缺之方向提出建議。 此研究之樣本係蒐集人力銀行在網路上所刊登之職缺資料做整理,再藉由二元迴歸方式針對所蒐集到的六百筆資料做分析,就全職與兼職這項變數來看有以下結果:(1)上班地點與這項變數有顯著影響的關係,意謂著當工作地點中的三大都會區台北、台中、高雄等位置越往南移動時,工作性質將漸漸由全職轉為兼職。(2)接受身分類別與這項變數有顯著影響的關係,其類別由不拘、上班族到上班族/應屆畢業生/夜間就讀中的身分類別,工作性質也逐漸由全職轉為兼職。(3)工作經驗與這項變數有顯著影響的關係,當全職轉換到兼職的時候,其在工作經驗的限制也逐漸從不拘轉換到有限制的要求。(4)語言條件這項變數與全職/兼職有顯著影響的關係,當語言要求由不拘、台語及客語轉換到英語及日語時,工作性質由全職轉換到兼職。(5) 在企業營運型態為一般營利機構時,其對全職的約聘人員接受度較高。 韓第在《大象與跳蚤》一書中提及「酢漿草組織」的概念,未來的企業組織型態將由核心工作團隊、約聘人員、彈性勞工等三瓣的勞雇關係組成,唯有在這三瓣間做好人力資源管理,才能讓企業保有更多彈性與競爭力。


This thesis aims to study work position designated for contract employees in Taiwan which is increasingly adopted as non-traditional employment by enterprises given the currently labor market. The research draws conclusions on the motives regarding employment status made by contract employees, and put forth implications on employment opening for companies in their recruitment efforts. 600 samples of job positions on websites were obtained for the study. The results show that (1) position location is strongly correlated to the choice of opening(contracted or full-time); as the position is toward the south of Taiwan the opening is more likely set as contracted position. (2) Status requirement is another significant factor; contracted opening is preferred when status goes from ‘no preference’, ‘currently working’ to ‘currently working/recent graduates/currently in night-time study’. (3) Work experience is the third significant factor; contracted opening is preferred when work experience requirements become more stringent, from ‘no preference” to having certain restrictions. (4) Finally, language requirement also significantly affect the setting of position; contracted opening is preferred when the language skills possessed moves from ‘no preference’ to Taiwanese, Hakka and on to English and Japanese. (5) Interestingly, when employer is a typical profit-making enterprise, full time employees are more preferable. Charles Handy mentioned in Elephants and Fleas the concept of a “shamrock organization” and future organizations would comprise core teams, contractors and flexible labor. Human resources management amongst these three areas is the key for an enterprise to retain flexibility and competitiveness.



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