  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Automatic Meter Reading Solutions Using LonWorks and its Value Additions to Energy Service Industry

指導教授 : 王仲淳


目前國內現有各類型住戶(約1000萬戶)都是使用台灣電力公司認證的機械式電表,來做電力的度量,以現行架構來看,台電倘若遵循現在的模式收電費,雖然是比較划算,但以現今網際網路(Internet)的蓬勃發展,再與資訊技術(IT)之結合,將使網際網路在電力系統領域的應用中扮演重要角色,而且可以省去人工作業的誤差及費時。電子式電表具有如電壓、電流、功率等電力量測功能,亦具有瓦時、最大需量等電力計量及記錄功能,就功能性而言已勝過機械式電表,倘若能增加應用環境建議與附加服務項目,縱使價格過高,但其考量便利及附加價值,便可大大提升使用率。 本論文首先進行LonWorks技術對三種Type住戶形式進行方案探討,LonWorks的優點:1.不論網路規模,提供可預測的回應時間2.支援混合型的傳輸媒介及不同傳輸速度所組成的網路3.對等的通訊互通性:Type 1為平房、別墅及獨立廠辦,Type 2 為集合式住宅,Type 3 為大型工廠及學校;分別以系統性能評估與分析優缺點、系統成本與產品使用週期成本(Life Cycle Cost,L.C.C.)估算,做一系列的可行性分析;另外電力線通訊(Power Line Carrier,P.L.C.)做為電力公司用戶服務之基礎通訊系統,則可大幅提高用戶服務之內容與功能,因此,電力公司利用網路通訊及資訊科技,利用多元化的傳輸媒介,對用戶服務的品質及項目提供多樣的電力產品供用戶選擇是未來的趨勢。 最終論文研究除了基本讀表功能外的其它附加服務,將提出主要自動讀表系統可能較適合的應用環境建議與附加服務項目以供參考,分別針對經濟部、台電公司、能源服務產業及有線電視公司這四方面對家庭娛樂、節能及自動讀表等附加功能結合的產業發展可行性分析,並且說明目前國外所施行的自動讀表系統原理與系統組成,以備將來我國實施讀表自動化的參考依據。


With flourishing development of science and technologies, and because of the continuous electrical industrial liberalization and internet applications, intelligent management information networks are starting to utilize modern telecommunication technologies to develop “Automatic Meter Reading ” systems, which is capable of reading “Power Consuming Related Data” from the electrical system of each customer unit automatically through the internet. With this new “Automatic Meter Reading” system in place, for buildings, communities and residential housing units, it will provide various kinds of added user services (such as home automation, energy conservation & management, information service, remote control and monitoring, home security etc.) to meet customers’ higher living demands/standards in the future information age and it will also create/expand new markets and business opportunities in home automation and entertainments. Electrical home appliances products of new generation of type, build and form a set of true electronic systems, this not only offers the traditional electric apparatus to use the facility. It also offer a more comfortable and energy-conserving environment to users. In the future, the performance measures of electrical appliances at home can be monitored and transmitted through internet by digital data. The related manufactures and service companies will be regularly routine-monitoring on-line to enhance their overall service quality. Not only we are able to maintain the best service conditions of these electrical appliances, but also can assumers and manufactures avoid unnecessary waste of time and resources. Thus, the utilization of internet and PLC technologies combined with the proposed solutions using LonWorks will effectively solve electrical appliances malfunctions and technical problems at each home and even further provide added values to each home on energy management/service and home entertainment.


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