  • 學位論文

導入顧客關係管理系統對流程與績效的影響 -以雷虎科技新事業部為例

Impacts on Processes and Performance by Implementing Customer Relationship Management System -A Study Based On Thunder Tiger Biotech

指導教授 : 林耀欽


現在企業的經營環境比起過去大為不同,顧客至上的概念是目前企業經營的基本原則,每個企業都致力討好顧客,努力滿足顧客需求,加快回應顧客速率,因此越來越多的企業組織希望藉由顧客關係管理系統來獲取新顧客、增加顧客利潤貢獻與鞏固舊有顧客。 但是當大家不斷的認為顧客關係管理系統對企業有很大的效益時,卻沒有具體的指出效益何在以及對企業組織有哪些層面的影響。因此本研究主要探討在導入顧客關係管理系統後,對組織的流程與績效有何影響,並且將流程分為開發新客戶流程、銷售流程、產品維修查詢流程、管理流程與交接流程五方面進行探討。 本研究透過個案研究的方式,探討組織流程在導入顧客關係管理系統後有何改善。根據研究結果顯示,因為資訊系統的資料儲存性、資訊傳遞性與資訊通透度,能夠使這五方面的流程獲得相當大的改善,並且提升組織的管理效能、交接滿意度,縮短開發新客戶時間、縮短回應顧客時間以及增加案件成交率。希望透過本研究,使未來希望導入顧客關係管理系統的組織能夠先對可能產生的影響有所了解,並且導入適合的功能模組。


The recent organization operation, comparing to past business environment, has a significant difference. The concept of customer focus is currently the basic principal for all businesses. Each and every organization is striving to satisfy their customer needs, and increase customer respond rate. Therefore business organizations are striving to capture new customer, increase customer beneficial feedback and retain existing customers by implementing a customer relationship management system. However, when people believe that the customer relationship management system are bring beneficial performance to organizations, there is no specifically pinpoint the value within and the effects on organization processes and performance. Furthermore, there is no investigation on the five important process aspects: development of new customer process, sales process, product maintenance query process, management process and hand-over process. This research, through case study methodology, studies the organization process after the implementation of ustomer relationship management system. The research result shows that the ability of storing data in the information system, information delivery possibility and information transparency may improve on the five aspects of organization process. This also improves the organization management performance, hand-over satisfaction; shorten developing new customers time and respond time, lastly, increase case success rate. We hope this research may help the future organizations that wish to adopt customer relationship management system have more understanding towards the system and implement the suitable functional modules.


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