  • 學位論文


Indicating Relationship of Store Image, Product Attributes to Product Perception and Purchasing Intention-Fresh Food Products of Convenience Store as an Example

指導教授 : 廖淑伶




This thesis,a research on using fresh food products of convenience store as an example to indicating relationship of store image、 product attributes 、 product perception and purchasing intention on fresh food products of convenience store。 In this study,we collected raw data by both printed and questionnaire in Taipei area。The main contributions in the study are described as following: Part A. (1) The relationships between management ability 、 service dimensions of store image and fresh food product perception have significant positive correlation . (2) The relationships between management ability、convenience.、service、atmosphere of the shop image and fresh food purchasing intention have significant positive correlation. Part B. (1).The relationships between derive attribute dimension of fresh food attribute and fresh food product perception have significant positive correlation. (2) The relationships between basic attribute 、form attribute 、consciousness attribute and derive attribute of fresh food attribute and fresh food purchasing intention have significant positive correlation. Part C (1) The relationships between age 、education degree and fresh food purchasing intention have significant positive effect on the consumption characteristic of demographic variables. (2) The relationships between education degree 、level of the monthly income and fresh food purchasing intention have significant positive effect on the consumption characteristic of demographic variables. Part D (1).The relationships between different work type and fresh food product perception have significant positive effect on the consumption characteristic of demographic variables. (2) The relationships between different marital status and fresh food purchasing intention have significant positive effect on the consumption characteristic of demographic variables. The study result could be the reference of product development for chain store industry in the future, and this research also has value and contribution on academy and practice.


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