  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Implementing Task-Based Instruction in a Primary School in Taiwan.

指導教授 : 蔣湧濤


本研究旨在調查台灣一所國民小學實施任務型導向英語教學法之成效,並探究此教學法對於學生哪一語言方面較為有幫助。此外,也討論實施此教學法之後學生對學習英文的動機和態度。本研究同時運用質的研究和量的研究方法。研究資料是收集於學生前測和後測考試的成績、問卷調查及課堂觀察。研究對象包含71位就讀於中壢市一所小學的3年級學生,其中只有45位的成績是經由統計方法分析(23位為實驗組;另22位為對照組)。在研究期間,實驗組接受任務型導向教學法,也就是溝通式英語教學法的強勢版本;至於對照組則依照教師手冊教授弱勢版本的溝通式教學法。在本研究中此兩種教學法是用來作為複習活動。 研究結果顯示在教學法實施後2組都有進步,但是,2組間的進步分數差異的統計結果並不顯著。實驗組進步的幅度比對照組還要多,所以此研究中的結果依然有利於任務型導向教學法的趨勢。依照2次考試每各大題的進步成績,實驗組的學生在字彙辨識、句子寫作、尤其是聽力有進步。另外,從學生的問卷回答中,任務型導向教學法似乎加強了學生對學習英文的態度和動機。他們認為英文課很有趣而且對於他們的英語能力更感到有信心。另一方面,經由課堂觀察發現到一些實施上的困難。當在課堂中使用任務活動時,時間限制和教室秩序管理是2個主要的考量。而且,缺乏專業的任務型導向教材使得實施上較為困難。因此,建議一些溝通式的任務活動能融入在現行的教科書中。 在英語教學中並沒有唯一的、最有成效的教學方法,老師們應該依照學生的需求及喜好適度的運用各種教學方式使教學更有成效。任務型導向教學法對於加強學生的英語學習和加強動機有正向的影響,此教學法可以融入在其他教學方法中作為一種輔助的教學方法進而讓英語教學更具成效。


The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of implementing task-based instruction in a primary school in Taiwan, and to explore in which aspects do students profit most from this instruction. In addition, students’ motivation and attitude toward learning English after implementation would also be discussed. Both quantitative and qualitative research methods were used in this study. Research data was collected form pre- and post-test of students’ achievement tests, questionnaires, and classroom observation. The subjects were 71 third graders in a primary school in Chung-Li, however, only 45 of them were evaluated in the statistical process (23 as the experimental group; and the other 22 as the control group). During the research period, the experimental group was taught by task-based instruction which is claimed as the strong version of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). The control group was taught by the communicative approach followed the teachers’ manual which is the weak version of CLT. These two teaching methods were conducted as a review activity in this study. The results showed that both groups improved after the instruction; however, there was no statistically significant difference with their proficiency gains. The experimental group made more progress than the control group thus there was still a general trend can be seen that favors the task-based approach in this study. According to the gain scores of each item in both tests, students in the experimental group improved in their ability of word identification, sentence writing, and especially listening. Moreover, from students’ responses of questionnaires, task-based instruction seemed to enhance students’ motivation and attitude toward learning English. They thought English classes were interesting and were more confident with their English ability. On the other hand, there were some implementing difficulties from classroom observation. Time limitation and classroom discipline were two major concerns when carrying out tasks in classroom. In addition, the lack of professional task-based teaching materials made it more difficult in implementation. Therefore, it is suggested that some communicative tasks could be incorporated in current textbooks. The pedagogical implication of this study was that there is not a unique, most effective teaching method in English teaching. Teachers should moderate their use of all approaches according to students’ needs and preferences to make their teaching more effective. Since task-based instruction seemed to have positive impacts on facilitating English learning and enhancing students’ motivation, it could be incorporated with other teaching methods as a supplementary approach and make English teaching more effective.


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