  • 學位論文


An Integrated Model Combining Analytic Hierarchy Process and Grey Relation Analysis for the Evaluation of Green Suppliers

指導教授 : 徐旭昇


隨著全球環保意識的抬頭,對全球大小企業造成極大的衝擊,因此,「綠色供應鏈」的議題也應運而生,其中綠色供應商的評選更是一大課題。迄今,傳統供應商之評選模式的研究已相當完整且成熟,然而同時結合傳統考量與環保考量的綠色供應商評選模式更能符合時下企業所需。有鑑於此,本研究建立同時兼顧傳統與環保考量的供應商評選模式,並藉由區分出各項供應商評選準則的特性,以突顯各供應商的發展潛力,希望能協助面臨環保壓力下的企業,作出最佳化的供應商選擇。 本研究首先針對歐盟相關法規做探討,其中包括:WEEE與RoHS、關於耗能產品設計的EuP。將環境品質的概念納入原有供應鏈中,由綠色供應鏈管理的角度出發,討論綠色供應鏈之運作架構,以此維持產品生命週期中各階段作業的穩定性,使產品能持續符合環保規範。再由鑑別重要的環保壓力談WEEE、RoHS、EuP法規對產業造成的衝擊,並檢視中心廠之現有供應鏈狀況,分析現有供應鏈面對之壓力與因應方式,討論供應商之評估方法,藉此了解供應商是否合乎企業之環保要求。而後再進行相關文獻的回顧與探討供應商評選相關資料的搜尋後,訂定出兼顧傳統與環保考量的供應商評選績效準則,並建構出綠供應商的評選模式。接著,透過分析層級程序法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)與問卷的發放,求出各績效準則的相對權重並確立所架構的綠色供應鏈供應商選擇模式,之後進行問卷回收的實證與結果分析,探討不同規模與屬性的業者對傳統績效準則與環保績效準則的重視程度。供應商評選工作涉及評估因素權重之設定、定性因素如何轉換成定量分析以及如何進行綜合評量等問題。灰關聯分析法雖具有將定性因素轉成定量分析及進行綜合評選之優點,但此法在計算灰關聯度時,對於各因素權重之設定一般採等權方式,在實務上較不符合實際需求,而層級分析法具有以群體決策導出客觀權重之優點,正可彌補灰關聯分析法之不足。因此,本研究整合灰關聯分析法與層級分析法之優點,藉以建立較客觀的供應商評選模式並進行實例應用分析,提供企業組織進行供應商評選時之參考。


Recently, the environment protection issue has received more and more attention worldwide. Such a change has made the enormous impact to all the international enterprises. As a result, "Green Supply Chain" and “Evaluation of Green Suppliers” have become the major focus in many industries. So far, the research on the evaluation technique of the suppliers in traditional industry is abundant and mature; however, articles that concern the evaluation of green suppliers are rare but growing. In this research, the impacts by WEEE, RoHS and EuP on the businesses via discriminating the important environmental pressures are studied and discussed. Additionally, this research proposes an integrated model of selecting green suppliers taking into consideration both traditional needs and environmental requirements. The attributes in the model are classified into two major parts: the traditional needs and the environmental regulations. The attributes in the second part consider the regulations postulated by European Union, which includes WEEE, RoHS, and EuP. The model employs the techniques in the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and grey relation analysis (GRA). The weights of attributes obtained by the AHP are used to weigh the attributes in the GRA for ranking the green suppliers. Detailed discussion and analysis of the numerical results on a real life case based on the proposed model are included in the thesis, which provides a valuable reference to organizations for evaluating their suppliers.


30.張舜傑,2006,應用層級分析法與灰關聯建構台灣IC 設計業供應商評比模
