  • 學位論文


The Study of Improving Project-based Grant System by Integrated Management Mechanism

指導教授 : 林耀欽


近幾年來網際網路蓬勃發展,在各業務單位紛紛運用資訊科技來改善行政流程,以能因應市場快速變化;政府普遍面臨資源有限的困境,基於提高資源運用的效率起見,亦朝全面e化方向邁進,實施計畫管理網路化工作,在行政院研考會積極推廣之下,已於民國九十一年起全面網路化作業。 計畫型補助是中央為了落實城鄉發展及地方建設的重要方式,執行金額龐大,若未有效管理,將影響政府未來整體規劃。且管制考核目的,主要是在於追蹤計畫之正常執行,並透過評估計畫執行績效,以確保計畫目標之達成。因此一個現代化國家的政府,必須運用資訊相關科技和現代管理理論,推動各項管制考核業務,確實發揮管制考核的功能,以達成施政目標。 本研究針透過探索性的個案研究方法,針對政府為了滿足計畫管理策略之目標,探討以中央計畫型補助計畫為例,其計畫管理流程與管考資訊系統有何變革需求。由研究發現得知,整合型管理機制透過一貫化計畫管理流程及一元化管考系統可提升政府計畫之成效,且推動各機關使用及配合,能使得政府計畫網路化管理機制成為具效率之管理工具。


The pace of internet expending has been extremely fast in recent years. The number of adopting information technology by sales units to improve administration process is rising; to compromise the market change. Governments are at this time facing a limitation in resources. Aiming to enhance the use of resource, governments are also moving towards to achieve “e-government”. The planning of all-round complete internet networking has been managed and started in year 1992 under the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of the Executive Yuan’s full support. The project-based grant system is the most important way to achieve urban-rural development and regional balance in Taiwan. It has an enormous annual expenditure. If the executive method weren't efficient, the policy effects would be decreased. The aim of the control and evaluation is to trace the plan whether it executes or not. And through the performance evaluation can be ensure the plan to achieve the goal.Accordingly, the modern government must use information technology and management theory to boost related affairs. This study aims to discover what the change of management process and network control system has been needed after implementing network control system that focused on government satisfying planning management strategy in research case project-based grant plan, by using an exploring case study research method. The result of the research we found that the continuity of plan management process and unification of network control system can enhance effects on government plan by using integrated management mechanism. If the government pushes every institution to cooperate and use it, the integrated management mechanism can be an efficient management tool.


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