  • 學位論文


The Technique Evaluation for The Manufacture of RDF (Residue Derived Fuel) from Agricultural Waste- straw

指導教授 : 蘇艾


本研究針對農業廢棄物-稻草製成衍生燃料進行各項物理與化學之試驗,主要重點包括:三組PVAC黏著劑(PR-382F、PR-81H與PR-276T)、三組造粒溫度(120℃、150℃及180℃)與三組的造粒壓力(100、130及160(kg/cm2))對含水率、抗壓強度、灰份、可燃份、揮發份、固定碳、總硫份與熱值等進行分析。經過SPSS統計分析系統程式,於顯著水準為5%下,進行稻草衍生燃料因子變異分析。 經實驗結果歸納出本研究製造稻草衍生燃料的最佳操作條件:1.黏著劑的選擇上,宜選用PR-382F,因為其黏度適中聚合度高。2.擠壓成型的溫度宜設定在120℃因為C、H、O成分不易消耗且熱值最高。3.擠壓成型壓力宜設定在160kg/cm2,因為較高的壓力,可使抗壓強度及密度提昇,亦可使其熱值提昇。 本研究就整體而言,稻草經過加工造粒製成環保衍生燃料,其元素成分前、後相近;因此稻草透過粘著劑的添加與加工技術的運用製作成高科技的環保衍生燃料乃是相當可行。由於國內衍生燃料的造粒技術目前仍缺乏相關實例,所以本研究之相關技術有很大的提昇空間,亦可作為未來建廠生產流程規劃參考依據。


This research focuses on agricultural wastes–straw make Residue Derived Fuel , to conduct physical and chemical experiments and to analyze technology feasibility. The experiment includes the following parameters, three sets of adhesive (PR-382F, PR-81H and PR-276T), three sets of hot extrusion(120oC, 150oC and 180oC) and three sets of pressure extrusion (100, 130 and 160(kg/cm2)), to analyze the following metrics: moisture content, compressive strength, ash test, combustibility content , volatility content , fixed carbon, flammable sulfur, heat value and so on. The analysis uses SPSS statistical analysis program, within 5% tolerance, to conduct multiple variables analysis. The experimental results concludes that the best operating condition for this research of agricultural wastes - straw make residue derived fuel is, 1, PR-382F is the choice for adhesive because it has modest adhesive and high degree of glueyness. 2, hot extrusion should set at 120oC for C, H, O is not easy to consume and heat value is high. 3, pressure extrusion needs to set at 160 kg/cm2. The higher pressure, the higher compression strength and density, and the heat value is easier to increase. Overall, the research found that straw make contains similar elements before and after the process. Therefore, the technology of straw make residue derived fuel with adhesive process is highly feasible to produce high technology residue derived fuel . Due to lack of practical technology of residue derived fuel manufacture in the present, there are many related area to involve this application of this research. The technology will be also suggested as the reference of manufacturing process in the practical plant establishment.


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