  • 學位論文


Feasibility Study of Applying the RFID Technique in Controlling the Flow of Construction and Demolition Wastes

指導教授 : 黃榮堯


根據國內建築研究所統計,經由合法申請拆除之建築混合物數量估計每年約有1100萬公噸,若加上其他裝修及新建工程所產生之廢棄物,則其數量更為可觀。面對如此大量的營建廢棄物,環保署採用網路申報制度及聯單制度管控廢棄物之流向,並試圖利用GPS衛星定位系統掌握廢棄物清運車輛之行駛路徑以確保清運司機不因其自身利益而隨意傾倒廢棄物,但由於清運車輛來源眾多無法有效掌握,導致GPS制度推行不易,且目前所實行之網路申報制度及聯單制度皆為業者自行填寫,有人為申報錯誤或自行造假之可能性,因此現今仍未能有效杜絕不法業者隨意傾倒廢棄物之行為。 RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)無限射頻辨識技術為21世紀重要技術發展項目之ㄧ,其主要應用在於辨識及流向追蹤等功能。在流向追蹤上,RFID技術依其功能及需求不同具有多種應用方式,且具備高耐環境及資訊穿透傳輸之特性。目前在食、衣、住、行等領域皆有大量廠商投入人力、物力試圖導入RFID之技術用以提高管理效能,降低管理成本。因此,本研究試圖利用RFID技術將其電子標籤埋入於營建廢棄物之中達到流向追蹤之效果,並針對可行性提出具體建議以供日後政府單位作為之施政參考。 本研究以模擬實驗方式為主要研究方法,先利用文獻回顧及專家訪談方式彙整出RFID技術之應用包含層面、限制等相關特性,並配合專家之建議而選定最適之設備及施作方式。在模擬實驗方面,本研究主要針對RFID之電子標籤預埋入營建廢棄物以追蹤流向之可行性進行探討,並分別對可能影響讀取之因子進行實驗分析,以確保未來實際應用之可行性。本文除將針對實驗結果進行分析比較外,並將評估RFID技術導入營建廢棄物流向追蹤之可行性及提出未來建議之施作方式,供政府單位做為施政之參考。期望透過RFID技術之導入,可提升營建廢棄物流向追蹤管理之效能,避免非法傾倒之違規事件,達到永續環境之目標。


RFID 營建廢棄物 流向追蹤


According to study, more than 11 million tons of building construction and demolition wastes (CD&W) are generated each year in Taiwan. Although an auditing system has been exercised by the government to control and track the flow of CD&W, it is by no means the illegal dumping can be prevented. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one of the most important techniques in 21 century; it is good in object identifying and tracking. Its application can be found in various industry sectors including manufacturing, medical, educational, logistical, and so on. The objective of this study is to conduct a technical feasibility study of applying the RFID in tracking the flow of the CD&W in construction industry. The idea is to bury tags randomly in CD&W when it is generated on a job site. Information in regard to the project owner, contractor, carrier of CD&W and deposit or treatment site are pre-input into the tag. Once a batch of CD&W is dumped illegally, it can be traced back easily the person or the company who is responsible for the CD&W. Thus, the illegal dumping problem can be somewhat prevented. Both active and passive tag systems were considered in the feasibility study. Considering the most likely environment the illegal dumped CD&W will be, laboratory tests were conducted on the factors of temperature, water content, constitution of CD&W, and so on. The success rate of reading the tags in different conditions was recorded. In addition, a site test was further conducted in a CD&W treatment center in the northern part of Taiwan. Tags were randomly thrown into a pile of CD&W when it was loaded onto a small truck (4 cubic meters). The truck then dumped the pile and the success rate of reading the tags was then recorded. The same process was repeated ten times. It is concluded in this study that it is feasible to apply RFID technique for controlling the flow of CD&W. Passive tag system is recommended because its lower cost and relatively more stable to the impact by the surrounding environment.


tracking construction wastes RFID


10.王里仁 ,「應用RFID於物流中心即時系統之研究 」,中原大學碩士論文,94年
11.鄭炳坤,「RFID 於物流中心應用之探討」,中原大學碩士論文,94年
13.洪文政 ,「RFID於飯店管理應用 」,成功大學,工程科學研究所,碩士論文,95年


