  • 學位論文


An Intelligent Decision Support System for Evaluating Brand Equity

指導教授 : 王維康


在知識經濟時代,無形資產角色日益重要,取代傳統有形資產成為企業競爭與價值的主要關鍵,其中,品牌更可無限創造企業價值。當消費者作購買決策時,品牌名稱是其決策的重要考量,在競爭激烈的市場中,企業也不斷地宣傳其品牌名稱,以作為產品差異化的代表。 品牌已經存在多個世紀,從以往單純地區別競爭者,作為品質保證,演變為代表產品的特性、可靠性與企業的競爭優勢。因此,品牌價值可以代表一個企業的價值,表達其競爭優勢,成為產業中的代表。 過去國內外有許多研究機構,針對各個企業品牌進行評價及排名,作為企業學習參考指標,然而,在這些評比結果中,主要以行銷的角度作為考量,評價方法偏向結合財務與非財務之探討,在摻雜主觀因素的分析下,難以察覺企業所面臨的品牌問題,且無法針對企業本身弱點作改進。有鑑於此,本研究之目的在於整合資料庫、模式庫與知識庫,建構一有效支援品牌策略制定之智慧型決策支援系統,幫助決策者評價該企業品牌權益價值,並分析品牌弱點。在系統的「模式庫」中,採用客觀計算的日本HIROSE品牌權益評價模式,藉此衡量企業品牌價值,以判斷企業在品牌的提升上須改進之處。在系統的知識庫中,利用IF…THEN...的法則推導模式,提供企業面對品牌相關決策時所需的資訊與建議,進以提升決策品質。經本系統運作、測試、及評估,決策者確實能利用品牌權益評價智慧型決策支援系統,有效衡量品牌價值,確認品牌發展問題,並迅速提供決策者合理的策略建議。


In the knowledge economy age, the role of intangible assets is becoming more and more important, which has displaced traditional tangible assets as the competitive advantage of enterprise. In competitive market, the brand name is an important consideration of consumers in making purchase decision. Companies also promote its names continually to show the difference from other products. Brand equity would create extra value in enterprise among intangible assets. Brand has brought into existence for a long time. At the beginning, brand is only used to differentiate from competitors and be quality assurance. At present, brand is not only guarantee, but also character, reliability and competitive advantage of a product. Accordingly, brand equity could represent the value of enterprise and competitive advantage in the industry. In the past, many research institutions assess brand equity of enterprises and place them. These results could be the learning indicator. However, those results which mainly consider in marketing are too subjective to figure out the brand problems of companies. Based on this reason, this study presents a knowledge-based decision support system, which combine with data base, model base and knowledge base, in helping decision makers measure the value of brand equity and analysis the weak in brand strategy. The model base adopts the HIROSE Brand Equity Valuation Model, which using objective financial data. Decision makers use the valuation result from HIROSE model to judge the way to improve their brand equity. By using the “IF…THEN…” rule from the rule base, the system providers decision markers with information and recommendation to improve the brand equity value. Through operating and testing, this decision support system can be efficiency used to help decision makers resolve the brand equity improvement problems and provide possible recommendation.


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