  • 學位論文


Research and analysis of the channel conflicts and the feasibility of channel integration from the value chain point of view. – Study based on the Automotive parts aftermarket.

指導教授 : 曾盛恕


本研究以汽車零件售後服務市場之代理商在面對多層級通路下削減的競爭力與利潤,在進行通路扁平的過程中可能產生的衝突及尋求最佳的通路重整經營模式。 1.本研究之文獻中指出,電子商務或許是一項值得投入的產業,但許多失敗的案例仍顯示出電子商務的複雜及困難度。而就保修廠進行電子商務(B2B)的可行性,從本研究之訪談及問卷調查中可窺探出,就汽車零件售後服務市場而言,仍屬時機尚未成熟階段。 2.而就文獻中所提的另一整合方案,與保修廠連鎖加盟的經營模式,也可能引發因其他通路成員(大盤商、材料行)聯合抵制而造成嚴重衝突。 3.在與供應商訪談中,也曾多次提及國外經驗,利用材料行連鎖加盟的方式,來降低可能引起的通路衝突,達到通路重整的目的。更可將材料行連鎖加盟導入電子商務,使其能更充分的達到降低成本;提高利潤的目的。


This study focuses on how an Automotive Aftermarket distributor deals with the reducing competitiveness and the decreasing profit-margin when facing multi-layered sales channels. It has also look into how the distributor seeks the optimal business model within the conflict occurred between the channels during the layer merging process. 1.The research papers quoted in this study has pointed out that e-commerce might be an industry worth investing into, however many cases failed and which has demonstrated the complication and difficulties lies within the e-business industry. Base on the feasibility analysis of Car Care Center adopting e-commerce business model (B2B), it can be realized that, it is not the right timing yet. 2.Furthermore, the study have also proposed another integration plan, which is through the franchise of Car Care Centers. However it might cause the other members’ in the sales channel (e.g. wholesalers, car parts dealers ) boycotting the products and result in serious conflicts. 3.It was also mentioned in the interviews with the suppliers on overseas experiences, by franchising chain store can reduce channel conflicts and achieve channel reform. Moreover, by adopting e-commerce within the franchise chains will further reduce operating cost and increase profit margin.


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