  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 曾盛恕


摘 要 本研究以數位相機產業在進行產業轉型的過程中,系統整合IC公司提供何種創新服務,來滿足數位相機廠商的需求,並且在創新服務的過程中對數位相機產業的貢獻及影響。 本研究經由相關文獻研究探討,將產業轉型分為OEM 與ODM兩種代工模式的定義及分析,再加上以價值鏈的定義進行分析數位相機產業的目標策略的需求,而統整合IC公司又能提供的創新服務策略的配合,共同創造數位相機產業的未來榮景。 本次研究以台灣數位相機產業較常使用的四家系統整合IC公司為樣本進行深度訪談,並分析其產品優勢及服務差異化。 1. 本研究之文獻指出,產業轉型是台灣電子資料產業必須前進的一條路,如果只能停滯在OEM的代工模式,就只能在紅海產業中廝殺到淘汰出局。 2. 文獻指出應用價值鏈中的主要活動及輔助活動可以創新服務的項目,協助數位相機產業進行產業升級及降低成本,創造雙贏。 3. 在四家系統整合IC公司的訪談過程中發現,從高階產品到低階產品除了價位不一樣外,基本功能因產品為量產之產品,所能提供的差異化不大,因此在創新服務策略上採取較大的彈性來支援數位相機產業發展,以加強與客戶之間的關係,進而達到商業目的。


ABSTRACT This research is trying to figure out IC solution maker provides what kind of innovation services to satisfy the demand of DSC firms, and what the affections and contributions are during process of DSC industry changing from OEM to ODM. According to past literatures, we divided DSC industry into OEM and ODM. Not only using the definition of OEM and ODM but also value chain to analyze the strategy of DSC industry. IC solution makers use those definitions and innovation service strategy to the future glory. There are four IC solution makers which be discussed in this research and we analyzed the differences of the products and services of these four solution makers. (1)From the past research, the IC industry in Taiwan face the problem of low cost products, and have to upgrade the IC industry from OEM to ODM. (2)We should find out the new service from value chain theory to create win-win situation. (3)After the interviews, we can find out that there is no much difference among this four IC solution makers, so how to make difference on service is the key to DSC industry success.


DSC OEM ODM IC solution maker industry upgrade


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