  • 學位論文

代工產業競爭實力提昇之研究 - 以數位相機產品為例

The Study to Enhance Competitiveness in OEM Industry – Base on Digital Still Camera Product

指導教授 : 林博文 洪世章


摘 要 數位相機已成為相當普遍的消費性電子產品,透過數位相機的隨身影音攝影功能,為資訊網路提供多元化內容。目前的消費性數位相機品牌大多以日系廠商為主,若就供應鏈及產業生態(ecosystem)來看,日系廠商掌有關鍵零件、技術以及品牌優勢。台灣過去十餘年起從事數位相機代工,目前產量約佔全球市場40%,相信未來市佔率將持續攀昇。 回顧過去這20年來,台灣在資訊產品、服務與消費性產品上,雖然建立起龐大的電子代工產業,惟缺乏世界級的品牌;從事產品代工,每年都飽受極低毛利,降價壓力以及客戶忠誠度的風險。台灣廠商在數位相機產業的年產值約一千億新台幣(以台灣主要相機代工廠的年營業額合計),相較於筆記型電腦與手機代工的營業額甚小。但數位相機代工的毛利率約7%至12%,優於筆記型電腦與手機代工產業毛利率(不到5%)。為避免流於電子代工的宿命-殺價競爭與極低的毛利,台灣數位相機代工廠商要找出方法提高獲利空間、展現台廠的價值及維持企業的永續經營。 筆者於研讀多篇有關產業代工的論文,發現大多的內容流於產業分析與問題的闡述,對於實質的問題核心,著墨較少。當然,部份作者可能限於產業知識與經驗的不足,無法做深入的探討;部分作者可能限於所屬工作資訊揭露的顧慮,不便觸及所屬行業競爭優勢的提昇與問題的改善方法。本研究使用公開的資訊去探討如何去提昇數位相機代工產業的競爭實力-以EMBA所學與自身的產業經驗,運用「鑽石模型理論」、「供應鏈」與「五力分析」去分析數位相機產業的供應鏈及產業的運作現況,探討精進產業的方向與手段,並提出產業的成功關鍵因素(KSF,Key Success Factors);再以「SWOT」、「價值鏈」與「動態能力理論」分析台灣主要數位相機代工廠商的優劣勢,輔以產業的成功關鍵因素,提出對其營運改善的淺見。


Abstract Digital cameras have become very popular consumer electronics products, through its portable audio and video capture features, to provide diversified contents to information networks. The current consumer digital camera brands are mostly dominated by Japanese companies, if evaluate the supply chain and industrial ecology (ecosystem), Japanese companies lead in the key components, technologies and brands. Over the past more than ten years Taiwan digital camera OEM industry reach 40% share of the global market, I believe that the future market share will continue to grow. Over the past 20 years, Taiwan's information products, services and consumer products industries establish huge electronic device OEM industries, but have no the world-class brands; each year suffering from low margins, price reduction pressures and the risk of customer loyalty. Taiwan's main camera makers annual total revenues are about NTD one hundred billion, compared with notebook computers and mobile phone the camera OEM industry was small. However, digital camera OEM's gross margin is around 7~12% , better than notebook computer and mobile phone OEM gross margins (less than 5%). To avoid the fate of electronic OEM industry - price competition and ultra low gross margin, Taiwan OEM makers of digital camera should find a way to increase profit margin, demonstrate the value of Taiwan companies and maintain sustainable enterprises. I read many the relevant papers and articles about the OEM industries, found that most of the contents limited in the industry analyses and descriptions; seldom to touch the real roots of the problem. Of course, some may be limited by lack of industry knowledge and experience, can not do in-depth discussion; some may worry about in their work on information disclosure, inconvenience touched on the relevant industries. This paper using publicly available information to explore how to enhance the digital camera OEM industry competitiveness – base on EMBA learned and own work experience, using「diamond model theory」,「supply chain method」 and 「five forces analysis」to analyse the digital camera industry supply chain and its operating status, to explore how to enhance this industry, including the directions and means. And make the industry key success factors (KSF). Then using 「SWOT」, 「value chain」and「dynamic capabilities theory」to analyse the Taiwan's major digital camera OEM makers, their advantages and disadvantages. Refer to the key success factors of industry, provide the proposals to improve the business operation.


4. 洪世章教授,策略 授課教材,2009
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