  • 學位論文


Researches of application of Incident Command System in Toxic Chemical Disaster

指導教授 : 張其祿 賴政國
共同指導教授 : 李弘暉(Hong-Hui Li)


事故指揮系統是一套指揮機制與協調應變單位的工具,亦為整合各應援資源的方法,此系統運用於重大事故現場時,具有整合應變作業及強化救援效能的功能。此系統自一九七O年發展迄今,已被廣泛應用於危險物質事故、計畫性事件、天然災害應變、單一或多單位的執法事件、缺乏整體性的資源處理策略、火災、多人傷亡事件、涉及多區域或多權責單位的事件、空中、鐵路、水上或陸上交通事故、廣大區域的搜救行動、除害蟲計畫及緊急事故處理等十二類型災害。 毒化災事故的發展可區分「初期反應階段」、「延燒階段」、「擴大反應階段」、「解散階段」及「迅速恢復階段」等,必須靈活運用事故指揮系統,於最短時間內動員人力、物力投入救援,以控制災情。本研究以化學槽車事故演練實例,建置模式化毒化災事故現場指揮系統,並利用專家訪談及化工廠災變案例印證本系統確可運用於毒化災應變作業。 欲建置毒化災事故指揮系統,必須在主管部門(環保單位)主導下,建立推行機制,解決現存窒礙因素,包括改變原有救災思維、賦予現場指揮官決策能力、應變中心與現場指揮一致的編組型態及釐清權責,進而制定毒化災害應援相關規範及完成教育訓練規劃,最後在資源、通訊整合下付諸執行,以發揮最大的救援效能。本研究成果有助於政府部門未來建置各類危害物質事故指揮系統之參考。


ICS (Incident Command System) is not only an implement of commanding mechanisms and coordinating units but also a method to integrate all aiding resources. ICS on the scene of disaster help effectively to organize different operations and strengthen rescuing capabilities. Since 1970s the system has been extensively used in many rescue actions. There are 12 sorts of affairs the ICS applied, including dangerous material incidents, planned preventive issues, natural disasters, enforcing the related law, handling isolated resource tactics, conflagrations, numerous casualties, multifarious matters involved many departments or area, traffic accidents, rescue operations in vast region, eliminating pests and emergencies. From the beginning to the end, toxic chemical disasters developed through different stages as follow: “initial response”, “continuous response”, “broadening response”, “dismissing” and “rapid recovery”. ICS must be launched with agility so that the disasters can be controlled with manpower and resource in a shortest reaction interval. In this study, an incident of chemical transportation vehicle was practiced. We built up modular ICS to deal with the incident and the system was verified by experts interview and case studies of disasters in chemical plants to ensure our ICS effective in incidents in real life. To build up an effective toxical chemical disaster ICS, the chief apparatus (environmental departments) should recognize mechanisms to follow and solve the present difficulties, which include changing the original thinkings, endowing the commander on the scene with capabilities to make a strategic decision, organizing identical groups both in response center and rescue tems on the scene and clarifying the duties of each groups. All operation must be implemented with the integration of resources and communication to elaborate the rescuing efficiency. The results presented in this study can serve as a reference for the government departments in building up ICS to deal with different hazardous materials.


4.Ranjit Kumar著,胡龍騰、黃瑋瑩、潘中道譯〈2000年8月〉《研究方法—步驟化學習指南》台北:學富文化
1.Incident Command System,Federal Emergency Management Agency Emergency Management Institute,January 1998


