  • 學位論文

飛行員工作滿足知覺對離職傾向之研究 -以專業承諾中介效果以及人格特質為調節預測效果

The moderating effect of the professional commitment and mediating effect of the personality traits on the relationship of Air Force polit for the perceived job satisfaction and turnover intention.

指導教授 : 王維康


飛行員乃為防空制衡的重要角色,然而隨著國防預算減少、多元開放的民主社會,成員對去留於組織,深受環境及國防意識逐漸模糊下,不再以擁有安定工作為考量及保國衛民為己職之思維,景氣循環影響飛行員將觸角向外發展的重要因素 (劉文祥,2007)。再則,戰機飛行員必須負擔隨時潛存的危險因子,在考量“高風險與不對等報酬”及組織不斷精簡,晉升管道縮減且人事精簡伴隨而來行政工作負荷;且操作新式戰機的體適能和專業知識要求,遠比一代戰機來得周延;薪水、福利已高出社會平均水準,軍方雖盡可能對飛行員提供較高的飛行加給和留營獎金,以拉近與民航界的差距,然而願意留在軍中發展者的趨勢明顯越來越減少。 而組織如何塑造一個令成員滿足的環境及留住資深飛行員或優異退役飛行員繼續擔任教員,得以技術骨幹延續,以維持高度戰力經驗水準、技術持續發展和訓練的品質,值得相關單位重視及策略執行參考依據。 本研究採SPSS 12.0之研究方法驗證分析,其主要目的探討飛行員工作滿足知覺與離職傾向關係,並以專業承諾為中介效果以及人格特質為調節預測變數。針對空軍戰鬥機與非戰鬥機之飛行員發放310份問卷,有效問卷300份,回收率96.77%。研究結果顯示:1.工作滿足、情感性專業承諾、持續性專業承諾以及規範性專業承諾對離職傾向具有負向關係;2.而工作滿足對專業承諾具正向相關。3.專業承諾中介效果對工作滿足與離職傾向具顯著性負相關;4.而人格特質調節效果僅外向性及親和性與工作滿足交互作用後對離職傾向有顯著性相關。此研究結果在管理實務意涵上啟發,當組織成員重視專業承諾環境呈現,可促使工作滿足知覺的提昇,領導者善用每位成員的個人特質、誘發其發揮最大潛能及熱情,進而有效增進組織成員之留職意願。


The Air Force pilot is the strong character which keeps in balance for the air defense, however reduces, the multi-dimensional opening democratic community under along with the defense budget, the member to the remove or retain in the organization, the depth blurs gradually the environment and the defense awareness, no longer take has the stable work and guarantees country Wei Minwei as the consideration thought of the duty, the boom-and-bust affects the pilot the important attribute which develops outward the antenna (Liu Wenxiang, 2007). Moreover, the fighter plane pilot must bear the dangerous factor which momentarily exists in hiding, “the high risk and the organization simplifies unceasingly in the consideration with not the coordinated reward”, promotes the pipeline to reduce, and the human affairs simplify follow come the desk work load; And operates the new style fighter plane's body suitable to be able with the specialized knowledge request, a far ratio generation of fighter plane comes the distribution; Although the wage, the welfare have been higher than the social average standard, the military provide the high flight to the pilot to add as far as possible for and keep the camp bonus, pulls closer with the commercial aviation disparity, however is willing to keep in the armed forces the development tendency to reduce more and more obviously. But how organizes to mold one to make the member satisfied environment and to detain the senior pilot or retires the pilot to continue outstanding to be the teacher, can the technical backbone extension, maintain fights the strength experience standard, the technical sustained development and the training quality highly, is worth the Coherent units taking and the strategy execution reference. And this research use SPSS 12.00 Statistical software. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the moderating effect of the professional commitment and mediating effect of the personality traits on the relationship of Air Force pilot for the perceived job satisfaction and turnover intention. In this survey total of 310 questionnaires were collected. The 300 copy of effective questionnaires are returned. Therefore, the response rate is 96.77%. The statistically analyzing the questionnaires found that 1.job satisfaction, professional commitment three-component model both correlated negatively with turnover intention. 2. And the positive relationship of job satisfaction with professional commitment. 3. We also predicted that professional commitment would mediate the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intentions. 4. The moderating effect of the Neuroticism and Agreeableness personality interaction the relationship between job satisfaction and turnover. This findings inspire in the management practice meaning, when organizes the member to take the specialized pledge environment to present may urge the work satisfied consciousness the promotion, the leader makes good use of each member's individual special characteristic, to induce its display biggest potential and the enthusiasm, then promotes effectively organizes the member to leave in office the wish.


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