  • 學位論文


The Study of Logistic In Health Industry The Case of ShareHope Medicine Inc.

指導教授 : 陳弘信


全民健康保險實施,使得醫院由醫療服務價格制定者的角色轉變為接受者,醫療院所的收入大部分仰賴健保給付,而總額支付制度卻使得醫療收入受到限制,近年來醫院家數驟減、醫院規模與醫院經營型態都因此產生莫大變化。 醫院導入企業化模式經營的同時,醫院無不加強管理功能,祈使醫院的獲利增加改善營運績效,運用專業醫療資源的優勢來發展相關多角化經營策略、醫療院所間合作發展醫療通路開闊財源。醫療產業上游到下游的供應鏈整合及建立供應商的夥伴關係發展出長期合作,運用金流、物流、資訊流架構後勤支援平台可作為輔助醫療的每一個作業環節。 醫院因為服務特性及專業分工精細使醫院組織系統較為複雜,尤其在臨床服務的後勤作業需求方面。醫學實驗室管理關係著檢驗的品質控制、教學研究、分析作業管理、成本管控及供應商管理等各個作業層面。多數的醫院是以內部服務量作為發展醫學實驗室功能型態的區隔,一部份會由中央實驗室整合來支援周邊衛星實驗室,並提供特殊項目分析與檢驗作業管理。 醫學實驗室功能的開發、檢驗作業承載量擴充有助於檢驗通路發展,醫療服務合作及醫療院所間的結盟,這樣也會有利於供應鍊整合及建立共同供應商合作管理,也可以成為建構共同之醫療後勤服務供應平台的組成元素之一。


Since the National health insurance been offered by the government. The role of hospitals in the medical service system changes from a service price decision maker become a decision accepter. The hospitals have their majority revenues relied on the imbursements from the National health insurance. However the global budget system limit the imbursement amount of each hospitals. Recent years, the number of hospitals had dramatically reduced, also the size of the hospital and the way hospitals running their business had therefore changed significantly. The hospitals are been introduced the enterprise business management. By increasing their effort in the business management, hospitals therefore expect to enhance their throughput and performance for more profit. Using the advantage as a professional medical service provider to develop a strategy of running business in related diversification. Also cooperate and networking with related hospitals to creat more source of income. From medical industry upstream to downstream, provide an integrated supply chain and establishes the supplier partnership development in a long term cooperation. Appling available cash flow, material flow and information network as a logistic support in facilitate ever step of hospital operation. The special character of medical service industry, a more professional and precise divided job function result in a complicated hospital working system. Especially in the clinical service and its logistical support. Medical laboratory management, therefore, focuses on multi layers of analysis quality control,skill training, work flow manage, cost control, and supplier manage. Most of hospitals divide the laboratories function by the internal service quantity, but integrate the special supporting needs by a central laboratory. That central laboratory also supports the surrounding satellite laboratories to provide special analysis and managing post-analysis data process. The medical laboratory’s function development, diagnosis cases capacities expansion and service targets extension will all help to develop medical Channel of diagnosed analysis.Cooperating between hospitals and forming the medical service alliance will benefit the supplier chain integration and build up a common supplier management system. That will also become the main element of forming a common logistic supplier system.


