  • 學位論文


Enquiry in the Upgrading of Total Service Quality in Public Sector

指導教授 : 陳家祥


時代不斷進步,民眾需求愈來愈多樣化,基層地方機關如何做好為民服務工作,達到顧客滿意實為當急之務,但因囿於僵化的組織文化,領導者重視程度,是否願意授權激勵並帶領全員一起參與,均是執行為民服務重要影響因素。 本研究除了以結構性研究,進行面對面深度訪談外,訪談問卷設計因選取對象(上級考核機關、專家學者、一級單位主管)不同而有差異;另同時參考大溪鎮公所委託中華徵信所企業股份有限公司,辦理「96年度為民服務暨施政滿意度問卷調查」相關問卷結果,以大溪鎮轄區範圍內採取抽樣調查方式,並以集中式電腦輔助電話訪問(computer-assisted telephone interviewing,CATI)方式進行於民國96年6月21日至民國96年6月24日(其中包含試訪),並在95%信賴度下,抽樣誤差為±4.86%。調查完成403份有效樣本,針對如何提升公部門為民服務品質進行探討分析,本研究建議機關應確實執行為民服務計畫及管考作為、採行全面品質管理、研發制度與創新專案、簡化行政流程、採行電子化服務、建立作業標準及工作手冊、重視民情輿情、結合民間資源、協助公共服務等方式,透過內部檢討及外部專家建議,期能作為機關未來執行為民服務工作時的參考,提升為民服務工作績效。


When people’s needs are becoming diversified with the progresses of time, how local government agencies of basic level can deliver good services to people to achieve customer satisfaction is an issue of top priority. However, the confinement of the stereotyped organization culture, and whether a leader is willing, out of his taking of the services importantly, to authorize, motivate and lead every of his men to engage themselves in services, are all significant factors affecting the performance of services to people. This research conducted in-depth face-to-face interviews by a structural study, using questionnaires differently designed because of different subjects chosen (from among superior evaluating agencies, experts or scholars, and chiefs of level-one units), and a sampling survey along with concentrated computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI), to analyze and investigate in how to enhance the service quality of public sectors to people. The said sampling survey was taken within the territory of Dashi Township, with reference to the results obtained from the questionnaires in a “2007 survey on satisfaction in services to people and administrations” which was conducted by China Credit Information Service Ltd. on commission of Dashi Township Office, and resulted in 403 valid samples. And the CATI (including trial interviews) was conducted during June 21-24, 2007, completing with +-4.86% sampling error in 95% confidence. This research suggests that agencies carry out the plans of services to people and control and evaluation to the full; they should implement a series of actions from realizing a total quality management, developing systems and innovating in new projects, and simplifying administrative processes, to making services electronically, setting up operation standards and working manuals, and valuing people’s emotion and opinions, and to combining private resources, and assisting in public services. These are all hoped to serve, by way of internal reviews, superior evaluation and external expertise suggestions, as reference for agencies in their future delivery of services to people, and to help in enhancing the performance of such services.




