  • 學位論文


Application of machine vision for color filter surface defect inspection

指導教授 : 江行全


彩色濾光片(Color filter)是組成液晶面板中的關鍵零組件。目前彩色濾光片的劣質檢測是在最後成品階段進行人工全檢,使用人工除檢測效率較差外,其主觀的判斷亦是造成檢測上的問題,故本研究導入機器視覺於彩色濾光片之表面瑕疵檢測,以避免人工檢測誤判造成之損失,有效降低生產成本與提昇良率。本研究針對彩色濾光片中人眼不易觀察之微觀瑕疵中的粉塵瑕疵,透過對彩色濾光片之瑕疵偵測,於製程中有效地偵測出瑕疵位置。 由於本研究所探討實際影像之微觀瑕疵在整張彩色濾光片所佔的資訊比例較少,因此採用線性掃描(Line scan)方式,針對一維影像訊號設計一有效之自動檢測方法。由於彩色濾光片紋路具有水平、垂直與彎角線段之重複性結構,因此本研究透過頻率域方法與空間域方法的搭配,即一維傅立葉轉換、So and Chan與亂度值來濾除規律性紋路,再經過改良式一維Otsu二值化方法來突顯瑕疵。而為避免瑕疵因規律性紋路的濾除而無法偵測,本研究針對紋路區域在95%的信心水準下,每維保留灰階值由小到大排列前5%的點,透過特徵指標的判斷達到瑕疵偵測目的。實驗結果顯示在195張的測試影像中,其檢測成功率可達95%,檢測時間約為7.2593秒左右,因此本研究方法對彩色濾光片面板之微觀瑕疵的偵測具良好效果。


The color filer (CF) is a key component for manufacturing TFT-LCD’s. Micro-defects are generally very small and cannot be easily detected by operators. This study proposes an automatic visual inspection method for defect detection, and especially focus on micro-defects of color filter in the manufacturing process. The micro-defects of color filter investigated in this study focused on particles on CF surfaces. The micro-defects have very few information on color filter. Defects in a one-dimensional gray signals of color filer are detected directly by the proposed method. Since the surface of color filter is formed with equally-spaced vertical lines, horizontal lines and curves. The combination of frequency methods and spatial methods are used in this study. The periodical pattern of one-dimension gray signal is analyzed by 1D Fourier transform, So and Chan and Entropy methods. Then the local defects image can be enhanced by using 1D Otsu method. To avoid removing the defects in the periodical patterns, a statistical concept of using 95% confidence level was applied to sort out the defects by a special set of features. The results showed that a 95% correctness rate can be achieved, and spent 7.2593 seconds per image from an experiment of inspecting 195 images of color filers.


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