  • 學位論文

機關組織適樣型態之探索性研究 -以新竹科學工業園區管理局為例

Explorative Research on Optimal Government Organization Models -A Case Study of the HsinChu Science Park

指導教授 : 張其祿老師
共同指導教授 : 李弘暉老師(Hung-Hui Li)


「政府再造」是當前世界各國政府為因應21世紀的挑戰及提升國家競爭力,所戮力以赴的重要課題。自從1980年代以來,全球即興起一股政府再造的風潮,其中「組織重組、設計或調整」是許多國家政府再造的主要策略之一;而在這世界潮流之下,我國自然不能自外於這股行政改革的浪潮,復加上世界經濟論壇(WEF)及瑞士洛桑國際管理學院(IMD)分別於去年(2006)、今年(2007)各所發布之世界、全球競爭力報告及評比中,均體現政府部門是拖累台灣競爭力的元兇,政府部門如再不思變革,恐競爭力將成為亞洲四小龍之末的狀況(譚瑾瑜,2006)。 新竹科學工業園區為台灣第1個設立的科學園區,其成立26年以來,該園區已成為我國高科技產業的發展重鎮,並為台灣帶來相當大的貢獻,不僅在產業及經濟上貢獻卓越,在世界聲譽、產業升級、地方繁榮、就業機會提供、國民所得提升、人才培育、文化提升等方面均有顯著效果;然亦不免發生作業基金的高額負債,園區跨域的窒礙難解等瓶頸及問題,未來在組織主體上究該維持、突破、重組或地方化,始得以完全解決或降低風險,則亟須加以分析及探討。 本研究主要透過相關文獻、書籍蒐集研讀研究法,以及對政府機關人員、園區公會、專家學者、園區廠商、律師等的深度訪談,冀能獲取最具主、客觀之資料,藉透過研究、分析、訪問、觀察,以深入瞭解本研究個案歷來及現況具有的廻異特質,進而找出較具適樣之主體及方向,俾供其未來組織變革參考資料或策略方案,以達賡續展現既有優勢、修正弱點及長遠經營的目標。


“Government Reform” becomes an important issue attracting global attention in recent years and a number of countries make all-out attempts to carry out government organization reengineering so as to elevate national competitiveness to face chanllenges in the 21st century. Waves of global government organization reform started in 1980’s, where “organization reengineering, new structure design, and new regulation stipulation” are main concerns for the corresponding reform. Taiwan is no exception under the global trend, where the government strives to strengthen national competitiveness via government structure reform. As indicated by the competitiveness rankings issued by International Institute for Management Development (IMD) and World Economic Forum (WEF) in 2006 and 2007, the ringleader encumbering Taiwan’s competitivness was government sector, which accordingly pushed the Taiwan government to carry out related substantial organization reengineering. The Hsinchu Science Park is the first science park in Taiwan, which breeds a number of local satellite parks and prospers domestic high-tech industry as well as economic development. Besides economic contributions, the Hsinchu Science Park also brought about remarkable effect in enhancing Taiwan’s global reputation and cultural elevation. However, the Park also encounters to a wide variety of problems which require proper treatments, e.g. large amount of debt caused by operation fund deficits, Park-city cross-region problem deadend, etc. As an government organization, the Science Park Administration acts as an crucial entity in elevating Taiwan’s high-tech industry. Structural reengineering of the Park Administration thus play a key role in maintaining competiveness of the Park and pursuing a sustainable development of domestic high-tech industry. This study carried out related literature surveys and interviewed relevant staffs and experts working at government sectors, the Association of Industries in Science Parks, Park surrounding universities, Park factories, and law houses. Collected data were further researched and analyzed so as to summerize potential guidelines for prospective and optimal government structure reengineerings, which act as useful references for planning, designing, or simulating future government operation models and lanuching relevant organization reforms.


