  • 學位論文


The Effect of Online Product Knowledge Sharing on Consumers’ Confidence and Preference

指導教授 : 廖淑伶


當網際網路發展在近幾年越來越興盛的同時,它也成為提供人們一個接觸資訊的新管道。隨著網路基礎建設的增進,人們可以更便利地接觸以及使用網路,也間接促進了網路上的應用與發展。而企業在這樣的趨勢下,也利用網路來當作與消費者溝通的管道。除此之外,一般使用者也開始藉由網路來與同好做經驗以及知識上的分享。在過去他們使用所謂電子郵件、聊天室,到現在有著部落格、論壇的不同呈現方式。在上述的條件綜合之下,有幾點是令人感到興趣並且值得探討的。例如:在這樣不同的資訊來源與格式的表達下,什麼樣的條件對於使用者會有較大的影響? 又或者這些條件會影響到他們評估網站的信任以及可信度嗎?針對這樣情況的分析,下面為本研究的主軸: 本研究探討網路資訊從不同來源以及呈現方式上對使用者的 (1)資訊影響 (2)自信心 的影響。另外,針對來源以及呈現方式的分類上,本研究將變數分為四類,分別是: (1)B2C部落格 (2)B2C論壇 (3)C2C部落格 (4)C2C論壇。而此研究同時也探討了 (1)網站信任 (2)網站可信度在使用者的資訊影響以及自信心上的中介效果。 而本研究結果大致分為底下四點: (1)相較於C2C網站而言,一個有著企業專業背景支持的B2C網站,幫助使用者評估網站可信度上有很好的表現。 (2)另外在比較部落格以及論壇的情況下,以完整文章呈現的部落格對於提升其內容的可信度有較好的結果,但是對於使用者受到的資訊影響則是不如論壇來的深。 (3)在來源以及格式的交互作用下,可發現C2C論壇上的資訊對使用者的影響較為深,雖然對於網站的信任以及可信度的評估實質幫助不大,但是在有一定程度的信任下,這樣與一般使用者較為相關的訊息也較容易被接收。 (4)另外本研究也提出了網站信任以及可信度在一般使用者接受訊息上重要的門檻。


When Internet boomed in recent decades, it also provided people another channel to connect with information. As the infrastructure goes better in recent years, people can access to Internet more easily and this accessibility of Internet also brings up the applications and development on it. Except for business use Internet as one of their channel to communicate with consumers or to provide them information. Increasingly, there generates so called collaborative knowledge on the Internet which means Internet users gathered and sharing their experience or knowledge about events or products. Besides, in the revolution of interaction on the Internet, from e-mail groups, chat room until recently discussion forum and weblog became popular, these shows different ways present information on the Internet. According to above mention, it is interesting to investigate the difference of information to be presented in business or peer consumer context or even in dissimilar format. Which context will influence information receivers more? Moreover, when consumers have different evaluation on trust and credibility of the websites, will these affect their acceptance to the information from them? In order to test these questions, this study setups several versions of websites to analyze such situation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of information from different source and formats on consumers’ (1) information influence (2) confidence. And four versions of websites include (1) B2C weblog (2) B2C discussion forum (3) C2C weblog (4) C2C discussion forum. Besides, this study also tests the mediating role of website (1) trust and (2) credibility on consumers’ information influence and confidence. The general conclusion of this study contains several points: (1) the ability to raise consumers’ evaluation in B2C context which means when presenting information on the website, business still provides better capability to support for their professional field comparing to consumers-generated information. And this helps business to build their expertise image on the Internet. (2) In comparing weblogs and discussion forums, the news-type formats of weblogs are advanced in delivering their content in more credible way, however, the actually influence to reader is less than discussion forums. (3) By combining the effect of sources and formats, it can be found that information from C2C forum has better performance in influencing readers, even the raise the trust and credibility is not much, however, it’s more relevant to readers and they are more willing to absorb the information once they have certain trust to websites. (4) The importance role of website trust and credibility are defined in this study. As an important component in websites, trust is also the criteria for readers to judge taking the information into consideration. In addition, credibility is also an important role to affect readers’ trust to websites or their influence from information.


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English Literature
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