  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Crisis Management of Taiwan Water Corp. - Disaster Typhoon AERE

指導教授 : 李弘暉


企業外在環境的危機,以天然災害述之,如地震、風災、水災…等,皆非以企業的主觀意志所能左右,而每一企業都可能出現這樣的危機;因此,危機管理便成為企業經營領導者必修的一門課,預先建立危機管理的機制,才能防範危機突然的發生。   危機會造成社會大眾生命、財產的損失,國家經濟也會受影響。任何國家社會都不可能完全避免遭受到各式各樣的災害所帶來的危機,對身為國營事業的台灣自來水公司而言,面臨各類危機最重要的處理策略,便是擁有一套完善的危機管理機制,有效的危機應變管理能力。   本篇論文乃從危機管理相關文獻中瞭解危機的概念、分類,並進入到危機防範管理(危機發生前)、危機緊急應變處理(危機發生中),和危機善後處理(危機發生後)的工作內容和原則,檢視政府對自來水公司在危機處理後的責令,探討自來水公司如何從可預知的天然災害中做有效的危機管理,進而將危機變成轉機。   本文透過個案分析的方式研究,回顧自來水公司在颱風“艾利”(AERE)襲台時之危機管理,研究艾利風災對自來水公司既行的危機管理造成桃園地區嚴重停水的主因,最後結晶研究發現,從自來水公司危機管理面、體制結構面、工程技術面、及媒體公關面等四個面向探究並建議。


Crisis is everywhere, as natural disaster, for example: earthquake, hurricane, typhoon, flood…etc. when would they occurred which cannot be controlled by any corporation. Obviously, any corporation hopes not to face unexpected crisis. As we know the crisis management is a relatively new field of management which is the important lesson of every chief executive officer must learn. Typically, proactive crisis management activities include forecasting potential crises and planning how to deal with them. Hopefully, organizations have time and resources to complete a crisis management plan before they experience a crisis. Crisis management in the face of a current, real crisis includes identifying the real nature of a current crisis, intervening to minimize damage and recovering from the crisis. Crisis management often includes strong focus on public relations to recover any damage to public image and assure stakeholders that recovery is underway. In this paper, would investigate into the major reason caused Taiwan Water Corp. cannot fulfill people’s daily water supply in Tao-Yuan region by the typhoon AERE affection on 2004


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