  • 學位論文


The Performance Evaluation of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Enabled Inpatient Safety Management System

指導教授 : 蘇傳軍


提供優質之醫療照護行為、帶給病人最大之醫療照護利益,不僅是目前國際間醫療體系共同關注之議題,也是國內政府和醫療界戮力以求完善之目標。一方面醫院可提供較完善的醫療服務品質,同時提升醫院的聲望;另一方面病人更可以放心的接受醫療照護,無須擔憂不必要的醫療疏失所造成之負擔。美國的醫藥局 (Institute of Medicine,IOM) 在檢討病人安全相關議題時,發現了一些人為因素所造成的問題,也提出了一些中肯的建議,IOM發現1998至2004年間,美國陸續發生之醫療糾紛與意外事件,大都是因為未能彌補人因錯誤所造成的醫療品質鴻溝 (Quality Chasm) 所致,人為疏失所造成之醫療糾紛,通常為醫護人員工作負擔過重所造成之結果,醫護人員平時必須定期巡視病房之病人,監控病人之狀態,如血壓、呼吸、脈搏…等之生命徵候 (Vital Sign) 外,若是在手術或是臨時急診發生之情況下,這些繁瑣的工作將會造成醫護人員龐大的心理壓力並成為醫護人員沉重的負擔,進而導致醫護人員無法專心的照料病房內之病人。 為了解決上述醫護人員過重的工作負擔,許多醫院已經陸續導入條碼 (Barcode) 系統,透過條碼系統來確認病人的身份,並結合簡單的生理辨識器,進行病患狀態之監控,但根據近年來的許多研究顯示,利用條碼系統這種大家熟悉的辨識工具,可以避免許多醫療錯誤;但相關研究也顯示,在複雜、緊急的狀況下使用條碼也會導致醫療品質上的瑕疵,因此使用更新的E化技術,例如無線射頻識別系統 (Radio Frequency Identification,RFID),正可以取代條碼的使用,來彌補人因之錯誤,而大大的提升醫療照護的品質。本研究將以無線射頻識別系統為輔助工具,建構自動化之病房系統。並進一步按病房區域研究、病患測試及全面的護理評估對此護理系統之接受度、滿意度及相關性作探索。其結果顯示,本系統可使混亂的醫療程序標準化, 優質化進而增進病患安全。


Clinical work in modern hospitals is characterized by a high degree of mobility, frequent interruptions, and much ad hoc collaboration between colleagues with different expertise. Today’s hospitals are under an increased pressure to become more efficient. There is an increasing number of patients and less budget for treatment. Hospital information systems promise such a necessary increase in productivity. However the medical point of care is different from any traditional office workplace. Usability is of utmost importance because the primary concern of doctors and nurses is the patient and not the information system. In this research we show how RFID mobile ward computing can be utilized to achieve a usable solution for the point of care. A user-centered design process is followed to achieve the necessary usability. The remainder of this research describes our solution and the expected benefits as well as the two most important steps of our design process. We define main evaluation for our research. Many evaluation problems can be subsumed under our research. A broadly accepted framework for evaluation of IT in healthcare seems desirable to address those problems. Such a framework should help to formulate relevant questions, to find adequate methods and tools, and to apply them in a sensible way.


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