  • 學位論文

從產業的崛起、不期然創新來源看經營策略 - 軟性電路板產業個案分析

The unexpected innovation to the management strategies - Case study in Flexible printed circuit industry

指導教授 : 丘駿飛


摘 要 廣汎的研究證實者發現,很少有企業能夠永遠地保持卓越。而在不可預知的人生旅程中,大多數人也像企業一樣,總是有困難瓶頸的時侯。雖歷史不見得會一再重演,所謂他山之石可以攻錯,而銅鏡亦可正身。無論成敗得失,經深入事件當時狀況及瞭解背後意涵,是個絕佳機會來萃取並系統地歸納詮釋。相信多少能在管理學理論百家爭嗚卻感莫衷一是的今天,帶給企業另一番的思惟角度! 誠如,Mr.Peter .Druker 所謂的不期然創新成功來源,事業的成功其實有許多狀況是在不預期下發生,並非計劃性的必然。然而,事後週遭人倒是總是喜歡給些標竿或傳奇而失去真象,殊為可惜。本論文除了可見到個人推崇的己故大師其實務觀察力 --- 平凡中見其偉大,簡單中窺其奧妙。也透過個案研究方式,引導實務性的見証及發掘,我深信它對企業經營者或有心創業的人,是具有相當啟發性的價值。 就企業經營層次來說我們不僅要問:什麼是風險最小而成功率最大的方式?或是成本最低而價值創造最高的模式?本人經由資料蒐集來揭開產業全貌,並赴日本這個軟性電路板(FPC)發源地搜集第一手訊息,佐以深度訪談,把先前不經意拜訪業界先進及創辦人的情形以第一人稱記錄表達,以得到答案。由於部分事件是在軟性電路板產業崛起前所做的,現在看來頗富故事趣味,同時也還原了歷史它最真實的面貌。這除了對主題的定義上更具實証說服力,這也是在質性研究上可遇而不可求的狀況。 藉由資料分析、訪談及觀察,擷取出不期然創新成功的來源及產品生命週期內涵。最後在個人長期產業經驗下,根據產業特性將Mr. Fiegenbaum 等人(1996)三構面策略參考點的理論架構,及Mr. W. Chan Kim & Renée auborgne(2005)的新作藍海策略加以做連結,進而並將其歸納延伸成一個簡單而具体的FPC經營策略模式(本人暫稱之為被動式產品創新經營模式)。期使對投身此產業的朋友,或深耕此新領域的投資界先進有實務參考價值,這是我論文撰寫初衷,也是指導教授的期許 --- 至少提供給自己或別人一些價值。 關鍵字: 不期然創新成功來源、軟性電路板、產品生命週期、三構面策略參考點、藍海策略、被動式產品創新經營模式。


ABSTRACT Industry wide researches have backed up facts that no enterprises can maintain optimum situation forever. Organizations will always confront unpredictable situation or bottleneck, just like a human’s unpredictable life span. Although history may not recur , it is said that advice from others may point out one's defects. No matter success or failure, it is a great chance to extract and sum up a systematical annotation through incident state and the meaning behind the phenomenon. It is this believe that can bring enterprises a different way of thinking in various theories of management today. As Mr. Peter F.Drucker said ” the success by chance is a great source of innovation”. In fact, a lot of successful business has happened in unexpected situation and without solid planning. However, it is pity that people always apply this as a benchmark or legend, as it is not always true. Besides my personal highly praised former practice insight, this thesis also generates practical witness through the case study method. I am deeply convinced that it has enlightenment value for enterprise owner or the person who want to create business. From the viewpoint of management level, we would like to ask,” What would minimize risks and provide the greatest path to success? Or which business mode is the most cost effective and generates the highest value creation? This paper will reveal industry overall picture and the answer via data collection, and also go to the birthplace of flexible circuit board (FPC) in Japan to get firsthand information. Because some findings are typical examples of how flexible circuit board industry emerged, however, it is quite interesting to be part of the story now, and also get back the truest appearance of history at this moment. Besides having convincing evidence on the definition of the theme, it is also fortunate to be able to show this case in a qualitative study. The source of unexpected successful business creation and the significance of products life cycle are studied further with data analysis, interviews and observations. Along with personal working experience in this specific field, are knowledge of industry characteristics, and a link to Strategic Reference Points, SRP ,Fiegenbaum(1996 ) and Blue Ocean Strategy ,Mr. W. Chan Kim & Ren(2005 ).Finally, my conclusion will provides a simple and solid strategical business model for the FPC industry(Passive product innovation model), which bring a valuable reference for FPC managers or even investors who want to study more in depth in this market segment. That should be my original intention and my professor’s expectation --- Providing some value for yourself or the others! Key word: The success by chance 、FPC、Strategic Reference Points 、Products life cycle、Blue Ocean Strategy、Passive product innovation model。


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