  • 學位論文


The influence of communication competence on communication effectiveness of IS/IT professionals in project management

指導教授 : 李婷


面對科技日益進步及競爭激烈的時代,資訊人員(IS/IT professionals)已成為企業組織不可或缺的人員,他們關係著企業組織的核心技術與存亡。再者,為了使工作更有效率,許多企業組織已改變其運作型態,將工作任務以專案的方式來執行。然而,專案管理(project management)若要成功最重要的除了團隊成員(team members)的專業技術之外,尚須有良好的溝通能力(communication competence)以便能與顧客/使用者協商。假使專案成員未能具有良好的溝通能力,則事件訊息就無法正確且有效的傳達,相對就會增加其專案成功的困難度。因此,本研究旨在探討專案管理中資訊人員之溝通能力,以及溝通能力對溝通效能(communication effectiveness)有何影響。本研究對象為專案中的資訊人員及其顧客/使用者,採一對一配對問卷的方式進行。研究方法利用PLS路徑分析來完成問卷信效度和假設考驗的驗證,再進行成對樣本的T檢定(資訊人員樣本vs. 顧客/使用者樣本)。研究結果顯示專案中資訊人員之溝通能力,包括溝通沉著度、溝通清晰度、溝通認同度和溝通機智度會顯著正向影響溝通效能,而資訊人員自我評估之溝通能力及溝通效能有顯著高於顧客/使用者之評估。根據本研究的結論提出對企業組織溝通層面的相關建議,以供資訊主管、專案資訊人員和顧客/使用者參考。


Nowadays, IS/IT professionals play important roles in almost every organizations with their “know how” of technology which makes organizations competitive. Meanwhile, many organizations have changed their ways in task management to catch up with the rapidly changing world. They divide task into projects by project management. However, the success of project relies on professional capabilities of project team members, and most important of all, their communication competence. Through which the project team members may express both their thoughts and messages on the tasks. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify the communication competence of IS/IT professionals, and its influence on the communication effectiveness of IS/IT professionals in project management. The research objects are the IS/IT professionals of project management and the customers/users of the respective IS/IT professionals. In this study, we use partial least square (PLS) method to analyze the reliability and validity of the questionnaire and to testify the research mdoel. Paired t-test was also conducted to compare the perceived communication competence from the view point of IS/IT professionals and the customers/users. The results indicated that communication competence, including communication composure, communication clearness, communication identity and communication wit significantly affect the communication effectiveness. Also, communication competence and effectiveness perceived by IS/IT professionals are significantly higher that perceived by customers/users.


