  • 學位論文


A Study on IS Professionals’ Intentions of Information Security Systems Implementation

指導教授 : 林耀欽


隨著資訊科技的進步與網際網路的發達,企業紛紛大量的投入資訊化的作業,希望藉由資訊網路來增加企業營運上的效率,這也使得資訊科技逐漸成為企業競爭核心的一部份。為了確保資訊系統的安全,資訊安全系統的導入也逐漸的受到了企業的重視,成為提升企業競爭力的一個話題。 為了探討資訊人員對資訊安全系統的導入意向,因此本研究以「解構計劃行為理論」(Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior, DTPB)為基礎,並結合「任務-科技配適度理論」 (Task-Technology Fit theory, TTF) 的構面,作為研究架構,探討資訊人員對資訊安全系統導入的意向,希望找出影響導入的因子,提供企業及系統整合廠商在導入資訊安全系統時的參考,降低導入資訊安全系統的阻力,增加企業導入的意願與成效,並藉此擴大資訊安全系統的建置率,強化企業或其他組織在資訊安全方面的防護能力。 本研究透過網路問卷的形式來蒐集資料,並使用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Model) 來進行分析。根據本研究的結論,影響資訊人員導入資訊安全系統最重要的因子是「行為態度」,其次是「知覺行為控制」,最後則是「主觀規範」。本研究的結果可提供給企業、系統整合廠商與後續研究者參考。


Information Security Systems have played an important role in corporate competiveness nowadays. More companies have noticed the enterprise technology since the revolution of Information Technology (IT) and the spread of the Internet. The Internet offers more efficient service for business operation. In order to ensure the security of information system, proper management of information security is rapidly becoming critical. The present study investigated the factors that motivate Information System (IS) professionals on Implementing Information Security Systems. Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) and Task-Technology Fit theory (TTF) are used. The findings could not only provide suggestions for the enterprise and technology consultants but also decrease the interferences when constructing information security systems. In that way, the security capability for the business information could be enhanced. The source of the data came from online questionnaires and was analyzed with Structural Equation Model. The results showed the critical factors are “Attitude” followed by “Perceived Behavioral Control” and “Subjective Norm”. The main contribution of this study provides practical suggestions for the enterprise, enterprise technology consultants and future researchers.


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