  • 學位論文


A study on factors of intention to use Citizen Digital Certificate

指導教授 : 宋鎧


近年來,隨著網際網路技術的快速發展以及普遍應用,越來越多的人開始使用網路,而網路頻寬的增加,也使得在網路上可以提供的服務越來越多樣化。各國的政府為了提升國家競爭力,開始積極推動電子化政府,利用網路提供更多便民的服務。 自然人憑證是政府於民國92年推出了以公開金鑰基礎建設 (Public Key Infrastructure, PKI) 為基礎推出的,幫助政府解決透過網路提供電子化服務時的兩個難題:(一)難以確認網路上使用者的的身份,(二)無法確保資料在網路上傳輸的安全性。然而,自然人憑證推動至今已經三年多,但是根據資策會MIC (民95) 的調查報告指出,聽過自然人憑證的民眾只有21.4%,申辦的只有5.9%,而使用的人只有3.3%,可見民眾對於自然人憑證的認知、申辦以及使用情形並不普遍。 本研究整合不同領域的理論研究,進行探索性的研究分析,希望能瞭解民眾運用自然人憑證使用電子化服務意願之關鍵因素。研究結果找出12個影響民眾使用自然人憑證意願的關鍵因素。之後更進一步探討不同型態的電子化服務以及不同特性的民眾,影響他們使用自然人憑證意願的關鍵因素之差異。結果發現只有在民眾對於自然人憑證認知程度的不同,影響他們使用自然人憑證的因素差異較大。也就是民眾對於自然人憑證認知的不同,決定了民眾使用自然人憑證的行為意圖。


As the great progress and applications of Internet these years, more and more people start using Internet. While the bandwidth of Internet improved, we could provide various kinds of service than before. For increasing competitiveness, many governments begin to build electronic government (e-government) actively and provide more services through Internet for their people. Citizen Digital Certificate (CDC) based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) was implemented in 2003. The government could solve two difficult problems through CDC: (1) the identification of Internet users, and (2) the security of data transmission through Internet. CDC has been implemented for three years, however, according to the report of MIC (2006), there were only 21.4% people have heard CDC, 5.9% people have applied for CDC, and there are only 3.3% people have used CDC. As a result, we know that the recognition, application, and usage from general public are not widespread. This thesis integrates many theories and research results from different domains. We use Exploratory Factor Analysis to find out the reasons and critical factors why the common usage of CDC is not widespread yet. We identified 12 critical factors and did further analysis in this research. The results showing that general public have different intention to use CDC according to their recognitions on CDC.


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