  • 學位論文

應用實驗設計(DOE)與案例式推理理論(CBR)對LCD TV色溫調整製程改善之研究

The Use of Design of Experiments (DOE) and Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) for Improving the Progress of Adjusting Color Temperature Settings of LCD TVs

指導教授 : 張百棧


在目前全球液晶電視市場逐年增加的狀況下,如何持續保持高品質與快速交貨將影響著銷售業者生存空間進而影響到下游組裝系統代工廠的生計。但代工廠如何支援客戶快速發展新產品,同時以多方面考量開發低價位材料、降低生產製造成本及提昇生產產能,並適時的回饋給客戶,進而提高其客戶市場佔有率達到規模經濟,如此將可製造出雙贏局面。以目前液晶電視銷售市場型態來看,消費者希望能獲得低廉的售價及高品質的產品,尤其是在受歡迎的產品上更是希望貨源不要短缺隨時能在賣場中拿到貨,因此客戶時常對於系統組裝廠所交付之代工產品,除希望降低買價成本外亦希望自己的產品能以最快的速度在市場銷售。但液晶電視在系統組裝廠的製作過程,從材料取得、組裝、測試、檢驗到出貨各環節,必須將製程的限制與不確定性因子予以考量後導入大量生產。若一昧以經驗值判斷製程中的影響參數,將可能導致因製程不穩定而造成訂單延遲,嚴重地影響到企業商譽。因此如何有效的降低及改善製程時間將是影響出貨量及對市場銷售行銷來說相當重要。 本研究針對液晶電視在系統組裝廠中色溫調整製程問題將以探討,搭以案例式探討了理論模式建立色溫調整程式的邏輯模式方法進行研究討論,並分以兩階段來進行研究,第一階段將考量影響色溫調整製程之因子併納入實驗範圍,以全因子實驗法找出影響色溫調整製程之顯著因子。第二階段就影響色溫調整製程之顯著因子,以導入營運模式進行驗證,比較與解釋出該顯著因子對該製程的效益影響。至此,後續之相關液晶電視在系統組裝廠生產時在對色溫調整站需要進行改善時將可依據本研究之規劃方法做參考做最適化之改善。


Under the year-by-year increase tendency of the global LCD TV market, maintaining high quality and prompt delivery has become a crucial factor affecting the survival space of selling businesses and downstream OEM manufacturers. It is hence necessary for OEM manufacturers to know how to support their customers with fast developed products, find economic materials to reduce production cost, and provide useful feedback to customers at suitable time, with the purpose of augmenting the customers’ market share and creating a win-win situation. For the time being, consumers tend to purchase high-quality LCD TVs at low prices, and they hope the most popular products can be available at any store. Therefore, OEM manufacturers’ customers usually ask for lower prices and faster delivery. However, each step of the manufacturing process of LCD TVs in an OEM factory– from material acquiring, assembling, testing, inspecting, to delivering, has to be carefully taken care by considering both the constraints and uncertain factors before mass production. If only determining the affecting parameters by experience values, the result may make the process unstable and hence postpone the delivery, which can cause a serious damage to the company’s reputation. As a result, knowing how to effectively decrease the manufacturing time is extremely important. The research investigates the fine-tuning problems of color temperature of a LCD-TV OEM manufacturer in Taiwan. Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) is used to establish a model in two phases: first consider the factors which affect the fine tuning process of color temperature, and then find out the significant factors by Full Factorial Experiment method. Secondly, verify the significant factors by the adoption of Operation Model and compare and explain the impacts of the significant factors on the manufacturing efficiency. Future research on resolving similar problems can refer to the approach proposed in this research for optimal improvement.


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