  • 學位論文


Cross Cultural Impact on Conflict Management in Global Project Team

指導教授 : 李婷


在全球化經營的趨勢下,跨國企業方興未艾。各國企業基於其新市場取得之營運需求及成本壓力、全球性的溝通與資訊交流、文化及價值觀的整合,使得企業紛紛走向國際化。跨國團隊合作的需求因應而生,尤其在科技日新月異的推波助瀾下,跨國團隊的運用已成為勢不可擋的潮流。不同的國家之文化背景、價值觀皆有所差異,在專案過程中,跨文化所造成的衝突被認為是最難調解的。文化上的差異(Cultural diversity)的確會對團隊的成員互動產生正面及負面之影響。正面來說,多重文化之專案團隊擁有更高的團隊創造力,並有能力提供更多更好的問題解決方法,負面而言,團隊因不同文化之間的矛盾及衝突而使得專案失敗,故跨國文化在專案團隊的影響為一個重要研究議題。本研究目的係探討跨國文化在不同專案團隊發展階段衝突管理之關係,並以半導體產業系統導入專案為個案研討。本研究以Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner 所提出的文化構面為基礎,發展出七項國家文化構面在團隊發展階段(形成期、風暴期、規範期、表現期)衝突事件之影響,其研究方法為個案研究,針對個案中的專案經理進行深度訪談,研究結果將做為跨國企業在跨文化團隊進行專案管理的參考依據。


Under the trend of globalization, number of multinational corporations is blooming. Enterprises are on their way to internationalization when entering new markets in order to face the challenges for cross national management, communications, global flow of information, and integrating diverse cultures and values of different countries. Thus, cross national project teams take a major role in multinational corporations. The cross national project teams, assembled by different countries, possess diverse cultural backgrounds and values. Conflicts occurred due to cultural diversity are viewed as the most difficult ones to be solved. Cultural diversity does make positive and negative impacts on a project team. On one hand, cross-cultural project team has higher level of creativity as well as capacity to solve problems. On the other hand, conflicts occurred in cross-cultural project team due to cultural diversity may lead the project to fail. Thus, the effect of cultural diversity on cross-cultural project team becomes an important research agenda. The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between conflict management and cross cultural diversity in different team development stages. Case study is conducted to a semi-conductor company. The cross cultural dimensions are based on Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner’s study. This study examined the effect of seven cultural dimensions on conflict management during four team development stages. The research findings are to be implicated to multinational enterprises with cross cultural management team.


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