  • 學位論文


Constructing A New Vision of Dietary Culture Tourism: A Case Study on Mainland China Tourists

指導教授 : 鄒淑慧


做為無煙囱工業之一的觀光產業是現今世界各國競相努力發展的綠色工業,也是許多文化大國重要的外匯收入來源。然而當今的觀光客已不再滿足於走馬看花、淺嘗即止式的團隊旅遊,因此觀光業者無不絞盡腦汁設計更多元且能深入在地文化的行程。其中,文化觀光作為一種特殊的旅遊消費產品,最能符合現代觀光客渴望新的生活體驗、文化刺激和融入當地生活方式的要求。因此每個國家為了吸引世界各地的觀光客,紛紛加強對自身文化特色的設計並強力行銷。飲食觀光作為文化觀光的一環,近幾年也逐漸受到重視,因為飲食觀光不僅可以帶來實質的消費利益,並且藉由對食材來源的介紹、食物產區的導遊、特殊料理模式的分析等,更可以提高觀光客對於在地文化的關注,進而滿足觀光客智識與心靈上的成長。 本論文撰寫之動機在於筆者有鑑於飲食觀光產業身為文化觀光重要的一環,因此希望能夠藉由此篇論文來增加社會對飲食觀光的重視,同時為避免流於學術象牙塔裡的空談,本文也試圖透過分析台灣的文化觀光發展方向與飲食文化特色,觀察開啟陸客來台後的行程和民間意見的變化,並思考如何將飲食文化結合入文化觀光,希望能夠藉此推廣台灣發展飲食文化觀光的新思維。 本研究共分為四章,第一章為緒論;第二章主要論述文化觀光與飲食觀光的學理,並敘述文化觀光客與飲食觀光客的動機與需求;第三章說明台灣的文化觀光與飲食觀光現況;第四章針對大陸觀光客開放後與來台觀光歷程做完整敘述,並提出針對大陸觀光客發展飲食文化觀光新思維與國外成功案例探討。最後則為結論與建議。


Tourism, as one of the tertiary industry, is a green industry that many nations intend on developing. It also plays a major role in the foreign exchange earnings of some countries with ancient culture. However, tourists are now no longer satisfied with the passing glance or shallow experience journey. Instead more versatile and in depth journeys are demanded. The cultural tourism, a special type of consuming product, can suffice for the desires for new life experiences, culture stimulations, and comply integrated locals of contemporary tourists. In this regard, many countries have devoted to study the characteristics of their own culture and market them. Food tourism, part of cultural tourism, is getting a lot of attention lately. This is because the food tourism not only contributes profits but also raises tourists’ concerns about the local culture and increases their knowledge via the introduction of the ingredients, guidance of the food origins, and analysis of cooking methods. The motive of this thesis is based on the author’s long term observation of the unproportionate concerns of food tourism despite its major position in cultural tourism. Hopefully this thesis could recall our society paying more attention to the food tourism. As the saying goes “Deeds speak louder than words”, this thesis will try to analyze the direction of our cultural tourism and characteristics of food tourism, and observe the change of journeys and opinions of tourists from Mainland China. From this we then propose suggestions of how to integrate food tourism into cultural tourism to build up a new era of food tourism in Taiwan. This thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter One is the introduction. Chapter Two details the concept of cultural and food tourism. Meanwhile, this chapter also describes the motives and demands of cultural and food tourists, respectively. Chapter Three states the current situation of cultural and food tourism in Taiwan. Chapter Four details the process of opening to the tourists of Mainland China and proposes a strategy for the development of food tourism for them. The successful cases of other countries are exemplified and well discussed. The last part is our conclusions and suggestions.




潘竹瓊(2012)。國際旅客城市文化觀光與目的地意象、遊憩效益之研究- 以越南河内為例〔碩士論文,國立高雄餐旅大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6825/NKUHT.2012.00023
