  • 學位論文

國際旅客城市文化觀光與目的地意象、遊憩效益之研究- 以越南河内為例

The Study of urban Culture Tourism, destination image , recreation benefits among International Tourists- A Case of Viet Nam, Hanoi Capital

指導教授 : 吳英偉


進入二十一世紀後,全球的觀光動向開始往文化相關的知性旅遊發展。因此,「文化觀光」已成為各國政府未來發展觀光的方向之一。此外,文化觀光產業的發展是全球的趨勢與現象,當下最主要的經濟活動之一。 面對全球經濟趨勢,越南政府也開始重視無煙囪工業的觀光產業。雖然是社會主義共和的國家(Socialist Republic of Viet Nam ),其悠久的文化歷史可從現代上溯至4000年前,尤其首都河内擁有已有千年的古都與豐富的自然條件,多樣性飲食與建築的特殊,在亞洲地區,越南成爲是一個有吸引力的旅遊目的地。根據實際調查所得資料,回收有效問卷518份,再以敘述性統計分析、因素分析、變異數分析、以及相關分析等進行資料分析。經由分析發現在年齡、國籍、職業等之外國旅客個人背景對於河内的目的地意象、文化參與活動有顯著性差異。旅客對河内的目的地意象、文化參與活動和國際旅客的遊憩效益都顯著正向影響關係。旅客對河内的目的地意象和文化參與活動顯著正向影響關係。 本研究結論與建議主要希望能提供給觀光行銷單位和越南政府多了解外國旅客對河内的意象、遊憩效益和文化參與活動之程度的現況,據此提出管理策略以維護文化觀光發展與保持旅客對越南河内之遊憩效益與美好的印象。


In the twenty-first century, the trends of global tourism related to intellectual culture have become a vital component of tourism development. In addition, the development of cultural tourism industry is not only a global phenomenon, but also the most important measures of economic activities in a international city. Along with the development of world tourism Industry, VietNam government pays much attention to the development of the tourism industry.Although the socialist republic of country (Socialist Republic of Viet Nam), has a long cultural history dating back to 4000 years ago (especially is Hanoi –the Viet Nam’s ancient capital of the millennium history) and rich natural resources, diversity of dietary, special construction. In Asia, become an attractive tourist destination. Based on actual survey data, then recalled 518 valid questionnaires. Confirmatory descriptive statistics , factor analysis, ANOVA, and correlation analysis were used for data analysis. According to my statistics, showed significantly differences between the background information (age, occupation, nationality, etc) of foreign visitors and Hanoi's destination image , participation in cultural activities. Moreover, The significant positive impact between Hanoi's destination image and participation in cultural activities with recreational benefit ; The significant positive impact between Hanoi's destination image with participation in cultural activities. Finally, the finding of this research would be helpful to the understanding ofdestination image for Vietnam’s Hanoi capital. It also provided VietNam Government with a better understanding of the foreign tourists for its travel benefits, cultural activity participation. Planning strategies for cultural tourism development of Hanoi can be formed and enhance visitors to gain various recreational benefit during their stay in Hanoi.


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